How long for a decision?

<p>I applied on November 15th, any ideas when I should get it? When have you applied and when have you received a decision? I already know 8-10 weeks, but maybe sooner.</p>


<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>my daughter applied on 10/29. Everything else was already in when she applied, so her application was complete and ready for review on 10/29 and she still hasn't heard yet. Someone said they called the other day and was told they were working on applications complete mid october. So, I would say you should plan for 1/15</p>

<p>NOOOOOO. You are probably right, but I can't wait that long; that's too long.</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>you hoping for a more favorable answer ;-)</p>

<p>Ok, how about this. It will probably not take the whole 8 weeks because once they clear out the initial glut of applications, they will get through them faster, so with a little luck, you should have it before christmas.</p>

<p>My D applied Oct 25. They havent even inputted her transcript yet. I think you may have a while to wait. They said not to send another its probably there but they dont know yet. Very disorganized there IMHO so you just never know, you might get lucky. My D has not been at this point</p>

<p>Thanks. But my stuff has been "Complete and Ready for Review" since November 15th. So I should find out soon, hopefully.</p>

<p>i applied sometime in october, probably mid to late october. I forgot my username and password to purdue's admission site and wasn't able to check my status on the first day of decisions. However, i got the acceptance letter a few days ago though. My friend applied in the begining of october or late september and got in during the first day of decision, like december 8 i think. he got the acceptance letter the same day i did, but knew ahead of time that he was already accepted.</p>

<p>So basically, 2 full months and a week. Damn, I have to wait till Jan that sucks.</p>

<p>i submitted my application nov 1st & my school sent in my transcript during the end of october... and my transcript STILL hasn't been processed as of now. does that answer your question? (by the way, the answer: never. you'll never find out)</p>

<p>Hey! This message goes to all who're in this thread. I am Abhushan and am currently doing A levels ?(Senior Year ) in Nepal. could you tell me the difference between applying on Nov 15 AND Jan 15..... Also I couldnot find a single thing mentioned about aid package for international students in their website( except for federal grants made for US students only. But I do know there are 15 Nepali students studying there currently. So there must be sth. I tried contacting them by email and phone on Saturday and Sunday but all in vain . Please help me! </p>

<p>you can also send me anything (material) related to this topic in my address <a href=""></a> . plz help me!!!</p>

<p>Gurung. In order to be considered for merit scholarships you have to apply by Nov 15. I dont know anything about aid to international students but I cant imagine there would be much in the way of financial aid for internationals. We are US citizens and cant even get any need based aid here for our daughter..I did find a link on purdue's website regarding international aid. they direct you to this site eduPASS</a> | Financial Aid for International Students
good luck</p>

<p>But merit scholarships all consists of all those trustees and Presidential Scholarships that are exclusively meant for domestic students. It's clearly stated. But can I still apply for aid now before Jan 15?</p>

<p>Right I supposed they would be for domestic students...I dont think there is merit aid for international students? If that is the case it shouldnt matter you are applying after the Nov 15 deadline. Honestly I would wait for tomorrow and just call them and ask them about it. But like I said on their website it directed you to that link I posted above so I gather there is no international aid package or they would have mentioned it instead of directing you to an outside source. Just my opinion. I would like I said just call and talk to them.</p>

<p>yes . sure I will. But the thing is they're not responding. So I am mailing some international student ambassadors instead. I guess they'd reply. Since there are 15 Nepali students studying in Purdue . There's got be an aid scheme, otherwise I don't think any Nepali would afford to pay $40000 anually. But hey, thanks so much for helping out. I really want to get into purdue but its just all this hindrances that's piling up. tc and be i contact.....</p>


<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>yeah, your not going to get a response from anyone there on Sunday. One more day is not going to make any difference. Have some patience.</p>

<p>Sorry usafa2011dad. I've been getting rejected from a few colleges and I don't know what I am going to do without Purdue. I really want to go there.</p>

<p>I understand what you mean.</p>

<p>The school my daughter really wants to go to won't be notifying her until 4/1. So, even though she has some good backup choices, it is going to be a very long 3 1/2 months to wait for that one last decision.</p>