How many colleges are YOU applying to?

<p>I notice internationals apply to more than the average American student. If they need FA, it goes up even more. </p>

<p>So post how many colleges you're applying to, and whether you need FA. I'll start first.</p>

<p>FA : Yes
No of colleges : 13</p>

<p>FA: yes
no of colleges: 3 (not even sure i do that, just wanna get into one specific college)</p>

<p>FA: yes</p>

<h1>of colleges: 11-13</h1>

<p>fa: yes
applying to 5-6 although i really wanna go to 2 schools in states and ny dream university is in europe.</p>

<p>Fa: No

<p>FA: No.
Number: 5 in US, 1 in HK.</p>

<p>FA: Yes
no.- 20 odd (12 in the US)</p>

<p>FA: yes</p>

<h1>of: 6 (pretty much just the ones that are need blind to us, lol.)</h1>

<p>FA: yes, and more

<p>37 in the states? o.O</p>

<p>you pressed the wrong buttons right? there’s no way someone is filling 37 apps?</p>

<p>FA: Yes.
12 colleges. Should have done 15, 12 is fine I hope. (including 1 reject from ED I)</p>

<p>Nope. It’s not very hard, particularly if you have fee waiver for everything.</p>

<p>^ You seriously haven’t thought about sending SAT scores + TOEFL scores have you? For ~ $30/college, it isn’t cheap if that’s what you were thinking about… :)</p>

<p>37? THIRTY-seven?
two and half k in fees.</p>

<p>ohhh, fee waiver. forget the above.</p>

<p>And there’s postage as well o.O</p>

<p>If you apply early, and are not worried about delivery times, mailing fees are like 2$ per mailing.</p>

<p>FA: YES! (almost full need :frowning: )
NO: 11</p>

<p>no 12.</p>

<p>fa : yes</p>