"How many students share this rank?"

<p>So as I was signing midyear reports today, I saw my rank (5/278) and under the "How many students share this rank" it said 1. Now I'm pretty sure that I'm the only person with my rank (I know all of the top 10-15 kids in my class, as well as numbers 4 and 6), so is this correct or should it read "0 people share this rank." I was thinking about it and it never says the word "other" as in how many other people share this rank. Which one should it be, 0 or 1?</p>

<p>well they are correct in terminology. 1 person shares that rank and thats you. so no it should not be 0</p>

<p>Wow, that IS very ambiguous, now that you mention it. I have no clue what my counselor put... I'm tied with one other person for my rank. I searched for definitions of the word, "share," but they were all too broad to clarify the statement. I don't know, I'd like call your colleges and ask, or maybe include a note saying that you are, in fact, the only person with your rank. I would think that, since "to share" is essentially "to have in common," the appropriate response would be zero? I don't really know what I'm talking about : P</p>

<p>^^ I didn't see nmehta's response, just to let you know. (s)he's probably right.</p>

<p>Our form says "...shares this rank with ___ others", so 0 would be appropriate.</p>

<p>I wouldn't worry about low numbers. When you're ranked #1 and you share that rank with 30% of the class, that's more of an issue.</p>

<p>I think in LeBron's case, it should be 1. Is that the common application?</p>

<p>Because my school is also a magnet high school. There's two counts of everything, But usually when it says how many other people rank that in the magnet program. I am 2/389, And theres one mores person.</p>

<p>Yes I think on the common app one, it should be 1 if you are the only student.
There are a few online applications where you self report your rank, and if you put 0 for that question, it won't accept it.</p>

<p>yea just put 0 if it goes in, that way the adcoms will know that u're the only one with that rank either way</p>