<p>I want to see if there's an inverse correlation between how much CC males bench press or curl, compared to the number of posts they have made. I'll tabulate things after at least 50 posters? </p>
<p>Why Bench Press and curl? Curls are for the girls, almost no functional use. That’s such a bad comparison.</p>
<p>Lets do bench, Squat, And dead lifts. </p>
<p>Bench Blows: About 130 for reps
Curl I guess it’s 25-30 X5 (If we’re taking about dumbbell curl)
Squat: 225X5 something ish
Deadluft: mid 200sX5, don’t remeber exact number.
Leg press: About 425X5</p>
<p>yea that’s all i can think of.</p>
<p>^^ Yea, I feel like he’s lying. His biceps are pretty weak compared to bench.</p>
<p>@Live4Physics, Typically most females i know are afraid of lifting weights.</p>
<p>Please tell me how much you Bench/Squat/Dead lift. I doubt that their that high. Most girls don’t lift big because thy’re afraid of looking like bodybuilders.</p>
<p>Most girls are afraid of looking “Big”, which i always though was hard because getting big takes years.</p>
<p>Of course you don’t lift to get big. You lift to get stronger, and improve your over well whole being.</p>
<p>The thing is most girls have this deluded sense of fear that they will look like body builders if they start lifting weights. The fear s entirely irrational. Half of them don’t realize the amount of calories/Hard ****ing work it takes to get big. </p>
<p>I’m on a 3000 calorie diet, and i’m gaining 1 pound a week, but eventually it will slow down. It would take me 4-5 years of perfect gains to even come close to a body builder physique. Most girls don’t realize this. They think they’ll look like men after a couple months. It’s not true it all. </p>
<p>All i’m saying girls should lift, but most don’t due to some irrational fear. You get it?</p>
<p>^^ The biceps are a fairly useless muscle compared to the others. Being good at benching is a lot more important than curling.</p>
<p>By curl, I’m not sure if you mean at max or like, just for training… but I only have 5 pounders at home… and tire after about 100 of those in each arm so yeah… that should give you an idea.</p>
<p>Not really. And it definitely doesn’t take that long. After a couple weeks of moderate lifting I can tell my muscles are being noticeably toned (granted, not “big,” but females are physically unable to achieve that idealized level due to lack of testosterone). But I know guys my age who are definitely big, and it really didn’t take them the whole of 5 years…</p>
<p>No **** Sherlock, you should be seeing gains. I’m just saying you don’t get “Big” after a few weeks.</p>
<p>And by “Big”, i mean 200+ pounds at sub 10% body fat.</p>
<p>If many of the guys you know achieved these gains in less than 4 years than hats off to them. My friend started working out in 6th grade and didn’t get to 200+ until 10th grade. He was strong as **** too. He weighed 165 all muscle during 8th grade. Dude was way ahead and it still took him that long.</p>