<p>I don’t bench press but I dumbbell press with 80’s. I curl 60 pound dumbbells. </p>
<p>I’m 6 foot, 205 pounds</p>
<p>I don’t bench press but I dumbbell press with 80’s. I curl 60 pound dumbbells. </p>
<p>I’m 6 foot, 205 pounds</p>
<p>609Represent, I am glad I made you laugh today :)</p>
<p>Haha^ yeah tbh i lol’d irl.</p>
<p>I can do 20 pushups
5’6 male 125</p>
<p>I can eat 20 pushups… That’s much more fun :)</p>
<p>Bench: Maxed out at 215 lb last week
Curl: Why would you max out on curls? I got 185 on power cleans though.</p>
<p>150ish repping power cleans (never checked max)
300-350 max squat (haven’t checked in a while)
IDK on bench, 150 was last year’s max during football
5’11" 220lbs</p>
<p>I’m a swimmer that didn’t have much weight training built in, so I don’t expect myself to bench that much.</p>
<p>150 lbs bench, 6’, 170 lbs</p>
<p>I don’t really have a set workout plan, but I usually have a 4 day split with upper body, lower body, etc. I used to do full body workouts because I didn’t have time during the school year.</p>
<p>I try to eat as much as possible with 5-6 small meals spread throughout the day. My curl is 85 and my bench is 185. I guess it’s because my chest is extremely aesthetic and I got a built chest, my arms on the other hand lack in that department. 15" arms though, so I don’t know. I’m just trying to get that beach body ya know?</p>
<p>bench 120
curl 25</p>
<p>^^ Yea, I’m on dat der strength straining. For some reason, i’m still looking pretty aesthetic. Probably because, i’m an ectomorph. </p>
<p>I was on a bulk program for 12 weeks and then switched over to starting strength. It’s my second week with it, and it great. The squatting 3X a week thought tires me out. I dread squatting in this program. It’s linear progression too, so i have to add 5 pounds to the squat every workout. Keeps getting harder and harder.</p>
<p>lol, at the beach body. So many guys are obsessed with attaining that “look”. I know atleast 6 guys who go to the gym, bench, curl for high reps, and then leave. Makes me laugh so hard.</p>
<p>Yeah sometimes I dread squatting, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
I always get pumped when I’m benching or deadlifting.
I’ve actually tried something to help raise my squats, I’ve been goblet squatting with 120 lb dumbbells and they actually boosted my overall squat. </p>
<p>I want to gain strength as well as look aesthetic, not some blob who can bench 400.
Good luck with your routine, just keep making gains.</p>
<p>^ Yea I look forward to bench and deads.</p>
<p>They don’t hurt as much. Today i almost fell asleep during squats. i was so tired, because now i moved up to repping 235X5. I had to keep splashing water in my eyes, so i wouldn’t quit.</p>
I weigh about 155 and can bench 200.</p>
<p>Bench 155
Squat 350
Curl like 30x10 reps
Dont really deadlift and those aren’t maxes. If you want a crazy intense workout with cardio and weights combined, try the lumberjack 20 or any of the other crossfit workouts, they are intense oh and 5’11" 175 lb</p>
<p>My maxes over the years were:
Bench: 110
Squat: 265
Curl: 30
I’m 5’6" and 145lbs</p>
<p>P.S. I’m a girl:)</p>
<p>^ oh snap i feel weak.</p>
<p>Ozzy, way to represent!!!</p>
<p>^Haha thanks:) i can’t do that much anymore tho! And I definitely don’t want to be a body builder or get huge lol. Most people don’t believe I can lift a lot cause I’m not that big:P</p>
<p>nothing, I run</p>
<p>Bench: 250 before shoulder injury sophomore year
Squat: 335 senior year
Curl: With a curl bar I do 6 sets.
2 sets, 10 reps each, 65 lbs.
2 sets, 10 reps each, 70 lbs.
2 sets, 10 reps each, 75 lbs.</p>
<p>Since the shoulder injury, I’ve switched to a higher rep workout.
I’m 5’8, 160 lbs.</p>