How much does class rank REALLY have to do with admissions and scholarship decisions?

<p>I'm currently a high school junior, and if my grades for this year hold up, I will be applying to Miami with a 4.0UW/5.43W GPA. However, my class rank is not what I want it to be: 13/350. This is even with taking 6 APs during sophomore/junior year (and I plan on taking 5 more as a senior). I know it's still in the top 4%, but I'm really hoping to get a Singer or even a Stamps invite next year. I haven't taken the SATs, but I'm predicting somewhere between a 1500-1600 for math/reading composite. But my question is, will my class rank no being in the top 1-2% impact my chances of getting the really high scholarship levels?</p>

<p>Years ago (3 or 4) they had a published chart on the UM website with the different scholarships, amounts, and minimum criteria. The criteria was taken down last year, probably because every situation is different and as I tell my kids, “You are not your SAT/ACT score…You are not your class rank, and you are not your GPA.” There is so much more that goes into admissions decisions and there is a plethora of books about the process written by admissions officers if you have any interest. Just finished The Gatekeepers…fascinating reading. </p>

<p>Anyway, just to help you see what the criteria used to be and may very well still be, the Singer Scholarship was for full tuition and the minimum criteria used was top 1% class rank, A+average and 1500SAT and 34 ACT.
The University Scholarship was 24,000 and top 5% class rank, A average and 1400SAT or 32 ACT. The Dean’s scholarship was for 16,000 and was top 7% class rank, A average and 1350 SAT or 31 ACT. </p>

<p>Perhaps this will give you some perspective. Since you are a junior, as my own DD is, my advice is to work hard, do the best that you can do, and create a well rounded application by being a well rounded person. You cannot control the 12 kids ahead of you in rank but you can only cultivate a good relationship with your counselor and ask him/her for any scholarship applications that come across his/her desk, let the counselor know you personally and see your passion for the school. This will come across in their recommendation for you. </p>

<p>My DS who is currently a sophomore at UM was the SAL, had a 4.0 UW average and had a 33 ACT. He was invited to Singer, didn’t get it, but I was told that to get it you need ALL the criteria gpa, rank, and scores, as well as a great interview, so clearly rank matters, alot! He loves UM and it has been a wonderful experience for him. He won many outside scholarships and that is one reason that he is there. So, keep applying for outside scholarships and then no matter what scholarship you earn, you will enable yourself to be a hurricane!</p>

<p>Do factors like Eagle Scout, National Merit Semi-finalist, NHS, or other ECs play any part in scholarship decisions? Or are those more for admissions if you’re on the border?</p>

<p>If those are the criteria to get the Singer, then what is the point of having a Singer weekend? Its obvious from the posts on these threads that many of the students invited to Singer weekend dont have those kinds of stats(in terms of ACT and SAT) I see that the information you related is several years old but it makes me wonder what the chances of a student with lesser scores has of actually winning it.</p>

<p>Marinebio, class rank matters but the competetiveness (sp!?) of the school is also taken into considerstion. You may be top banana in one high school and second fiddle in another, with the same classes and grades.</p>

<p>Can anyone answer my question about the other ECs having an impact on scholarship decision?</p>