how much duz writing matter 2 VT?

<p>yeah guys how much do these guyz care about SAT writing? like if i get 800 or close would it help me? im hopin for almost 1500 CR + M. but dont worry bout CR and M, just help me figure out whether close to 800 on W wud do me much good or not (for admissions, not placement).</p>

<p>oh and dont bother replying to the other thread i started… for some reason i thought i had forgotten to submit this one.</p>

<p>At some point, VT will start to consider the writing score more seriously for admission purposes, as will most other schools. But at this point, my impression is that it is used for placement in freshman English classes. The higher your score, the greater the possibility that you may only need one semester of English and not two. As far as your question on “whether close to 800 on W wud do me much good or not,” if you are capable of scoring an 800, why on earth WOULDN’T you try for that?!</p>

<p>At the open house this past weekend Director of Admissions stated that the writing section will be part of the selection process next year. For now Math and English only are used.</p>

<p>BAM! I knew that hammer would be coming down sometime soon. Let’s see… that must be what, 5 years then (didn’t this start in 2005?), for schools to get a true idea of how the SAT writing score correlates to scores in actual English classes.</p>

<p>wait, does “next year” mean the high school grad class of 2011? i’m in grad class of 2010 applying for early decision. can they really just ignore a section that i can do that well on?! i mean its not liek they’ll be putting their hands over the W part of my SAT score history and be like “WHERES WRITING? I SEE NO WRITING SCORE HERE”, can they?</p>

<p>Those of us responding on here are just trying to help based on our experiences and/or personal contact with the school. Common sense says that scoring a 400 on the writing section probably isn’t going to look as good as a score of 800, agreed? Use your common sense and try to do as well as you can when/if you retake the SAT and leave it at that. Don’t know if the “next year” that Ronbo mentioned is this coming spring or spring of 2011 - if you are truly concerned and want to get a definitive answer straight from the horse’s mouth so to speak, you should call or send an email to the admissions department and ask them directly. </p>

<p>If you’re applying ED, isn’t that due mid-November? Good luck on your application. I would definitely call if you are seriously concerned, but at this point I’m guessing you’ve already re-taken the SAT - hope it went well.</p>

<p>Next year means for the class entering in the Fall of 2011 (class of 2015). Sorry about not being specific. I attended the open house last weekend for the applicants entering in September 2010 (class of 2014) and the Director of Admissions said this years applicants will not have their writing scores included in the admission process but next year (again class of 2015) they will start looking at it. I also agree with researching the information on the college official web site. I envy young people today since you can find out almost anything on line in minutes. Back in my day (god that sounds like I’m some geezer!) we went to a place called a library and used books like Peterson’s guide to find out the stuff you can get in minutes on line. They are also having another open house at VT in November and it was worth the long drive to visit the school and talk to the faculty. Good luck.</p>