<p>This has probably been beaten to death here, but how often do Cornellians find time/money/a ride to the Big Apple? I'm from MN, and have been to NYC once and just really loved it. (Didn't even know about Columbia until it was too late). What are the odds of a Minnesotan finding time to head over to NYC for a weekend? Is this a common trek made by students?</p>
<p>I don't think it would be a common trek since it isn't THAT close...like a 5 hour drive?</p>
<p>Doesn't happen too often. I've been to NYC once since coming to Cornell.</p>
<p>I don't know how often kids venture into NYC for a week-end. My d only came home on school breaks but then again she lives here. But you can't beat the convenience. The Shortline/Coach bus stops on campus a few times a day for a scheduled trip to NY. It is about a 5 hour trip from North Campus to Port Authority. The trick is to make friends with a NY kid, and hope they invite you home for a few days.</p>
<p>Where could I find a kid from NYC at Cornell.......</p>
<p>Oh I'm sure there are plenty! Once you get to campus, I'm sure you will make a lot of friends, and some of them are bound to be from NYC. It's probably more likely to find someone from NYC than someone from minnesota there... :p</p>
<p>When I went to visit Cornell last month, I went from Boston (I was looking at other colleges there) to Cornell. I did, however, go from Cornell back to my house, in NYC. It took about 4.5 hours. The roads were pretty easy to navigate. If I make Cornell, I plan to bring my car up to campus and come home occasionally. So if I go to Cornell in 2006, your more than welcome to hitch a ride with me (pending that I pass my road test on August 23rd!!!!!) lol.</p>
<p>Well, i don't think theres too much question about the EASE of getting to NYC. I think the concensus in the past has been that theres just so much to do on campus and in town that most students don't have a desire to go more than once in a long while.</p>
<p>Yea, I guess since I live here it really doesnt excite me. I am more excited to go to a college campus and experience that. NYC, as many of u know, is made up of 5 boroughs. I live on Staten Island, the least urban of the 5. When most people refer to "the city" they are refering to Manhattan. Thats the fun part. But i think your right sparticus.</p>