how to attract girls


<p>an average geek: sauron, my lord, please give me advises on how to attract girls. in my whole college career, i never scored!</p>

<p>sauron: listen, my lad, u gotta have courage!! don't be afraid!!! u need to always be as arrogant as possible, and above all, be able to show that courage in a duel.</p>

<p>butthead: hu-uh hu-uh uh-uh. sauon, i love u man.. listen to that ganster..uh-uh. i like um followed his advise and uh-uh i scored like huh (vomits some nachos)</p>

<p>sauron: butthead ur a bad influence. u're not sexy enough like me. go have some sex with ash, that idiot.</p>

<p>butthead: uhhh, um uh-uh okay.</p>

<p>the geek: oh sauron, thank u very much.</p>

<p>Just get a magnet.</p>


<p>chucky: killing is not an addiction!!! it's a choice! and i'm proud to be a killer</p>

<p>butthead: uh-uh. huh-uh. (vomits some nachos) uh-uh. huh-huh. um do u like huh-huh kill geeks huh-uh like yu-gi</p>

<p>chucky: i kill people who i find sexually attactive. because i'm jealous of them.</p>

<p>(gush of wind sweeps the environs)</p>

<p>sauron: where is ur son, chucky?</p>

<p>chucky: who the hell are u?</p>

<p>sauron: (softly chuckles) i am the DARK LORD. behold the greatness and splendour of ur lord and speak quickly!</p>

<p>Keep a sock in your pants.</p>


<p>let's get serious for a moment here. </p>

<p>to attract girls, a man must have the following charactersitics:</p>

<p>he know italian or french or japanese</p>

<p>he is knowledgeable in european art, contemporary fashion, "high culture"</p>

<p>he is knowledgeable in oriental culture: writes the elegant classical calligraphy of mongolian, korean, chinese, arabic.</p>

<p>he is knowledgeable in african culture.</p>

<p>he must take after gaugain. that means, daydream about africanm oceanian spirituality.</p>

<p>daydreams about marrying a native for whom u fought for through challenging a the chief and living in isolation in some desert.</p>

<p>prays daily for the starving children in afghanistan</p>

<p>Oh please. Everybody knows the best way to attract girls is to have a big magnet with the word MONEY on it. Duh.</p>

<p>lol just relax and be confident ;).</p>

<p>Just get the girl you're after drunk enough not to remember anything :)</p>

<p>This won't work with girls who don't drink...but that doesn't limit your choices too much.</p>

<p>But can we have some serious talks here, this matter is as important as college admission!</p>

<p>Ok. In all seriousness, there are all types of people out there. Most guys probably wouldn't have to change anything about themselves to attract girls, but it really depends on the type of girl they're after. </p>

<p>What I'm saying is that there's no one thing a guy can do to attract any girl he has his eye've gotta be more specific. Not to mention the fact that there may not be anything you can do to attract some folks since you may just not be their type.</p>

<p>Now that's the first serious post.
Very true, Katho.
I don't have a girl in mind right now, but i'll get back as soon as I have one!</p>

<p>katho, that's the very thing i detest with all of insistance: noraml mediocre men that "naturally" attracts abominable!!!!</p>

<p>listen to the pro:
women, in all seriousness, never glance twice at a mediocre average guy. but since there is no one else available, they just merely content themselves themselves with those unworthy cowards. deep inside a woman's heart, they desire something exotic, something magnimously attractive. they regard men who are brave more highly. for example, if u demonstrate ur bravery in the smallest instances such as climbing a huge building, or strutting about the street nude, women will try desperately to ask u out. but since the most attractive men are very arrogant, he will merely smack the girl and start pretending to be superman.</p>

<p>Um...I didn't say anything about average guys.</p>

<p>I'm saying that just about <em>any</em> guy (minus the incredibly socially retarded ones...but hey, even they find someone eventually) can find a girl that would like them pretty much just the way they are. Same thing for girls. That doesn't mean that a relationship wouldn't take effort (all do regardless of how well your personalities mesh)...just that there's a lid for every pot. </p>

<p>And I call BS on the "no woman ever goes for the average guy" thing. What one person views as only average another will view as completely out of their league and another as just their type.</p>

<p>from what ive seen, just act like an ******* and you will get girls.</p>

<p>Money- </p>

<p>sooo true</p>

<p>As a female, I have two main criteria for the opposite sex: </p>

<li>Curly hair</li>
<li>The ability to finish this Arcade Fire lyric: "Come on, Alex! You can do it!"</li>

<p>However, my boyfriend meets neither of those criteria, so I guess what I'm saying is that rules of attraction are bull and any girl who isn't attracted to you isn't a girl you want to be with anyway.</p>

<p>Be yourself, the end.</p>
