How to get my parents to get a new house?!

<p>Okay one of my dreams before I graduate is to live in a bigger house. My parents want to move too, but they want to move AFTER I move out! Right now we live in a SUPER SMALL starter house the biggest room in my house is about the size of a typical room. Does anyone have any tips on how I can get them to move?! </p>


<p>That’s rather selfish. You’ll be gone soon, so why do you care when they move?</p>

<p>I want to live in a NORMAL HOUSE for once. Before I move out! IT is just a personal goal.</p>

<p>Give them pros and cons to moving to a new house before u move out and give them pros and cons to moving to a new house after u move out. This allows ur parents to think abt both situations from ur point of view and their point of view.</p>

<p>Hope that helps!</p>

<p>What exactly is a typical room? And wouldn’t you rather your parents spend their money on your college?</p>

<p>Typical room=my friends rooms idk measurements. And lol NOPE :D</p>

<p>I’m sorry, but a house isn’t something you can just buy when you feel like it. Just deal with it.</p>

<p>Especially in this market</p>

<p>Why wouldn’t you rather them spend money on college? If they pay for college then you’ll be able to go without relying on student loans and stuff so when you graduate you can spend the money you would be paying to pay off your student loans on your house which you’ll actually be living in for more than three years.</p>

<p>STOP!!! And just help me! I just want a freaken house before we move out!</p>

<p>What exactly is a freaked house?</p>

<p>Oh, no logic? Just ask Donald Trump to loan your family a mil, and I’m sure things will work out then. ;)</p>

<p>Tell them how you feel. If you won’t believe us when we say you’re being petty, maybe you’ll believe them.</p>

<p>@BryDeeC Well its not like they aren’t going to buy a new house soon anyways.</p>

<p>@notanengineer petty what?</p>

<p>you and the “how do I get my parents to buy me a $40K car” poster would get along quite well</p>

<p>^That’s different mine would benefit everyone.</p>

<p>You know if you burn it down they might have to buy a new one. But then again going to college with a small house is better than being in jail…</p>

<p>Wesley…just don’t tell me that you will be receiving a ton of need based aid. </p>

<p>You know…your parents are being sensible and practical. You are going to be MOVING OUT to go to college.</p>

<p>Not if it was straining your parents financially. If they don’t think that they can handle it right now why would you think that just because you want to move that it is the right decision to make?</p>

<p>How exactly is it a “personal goal” if it’s your parents’ money that pays for it…? That’d be like saying it’s a personal goal to get a pair of $300 sunglasses for my birthday. </p>

<p>I think you should focus on more important things.</p>