<p>Girls "confess" to me quite often, how do I reject them without hurting them?</p>
<p>Well, you have to say I like you as a friend and move on. You can't please everyone, but at least you have the heart to consider their feelings :)</p>
<p>I wish like it was that way over here, we seem to do the chasing.</p>
<p>That didn't come out right, but you know what I mean...</p>
<p>Don't waste your time worrying about whether you're hurting her, because she will be hurt no matter how gently you tell her. Be honest, firm, and unambiguous (or she'll deconstruct your words for any sign that you might not mean it) without being unnecessarily harsh. If possible, tell her in person and in private. Most importantly, treat her with dignity; rejection is humiliating enough without condescension or dismissive remarks.</p>
<p>(10 chars)</p>
<p>Tell them you're gay.</p>
<p>lmao that's mean dude. She's bound to notice something's amiss when you're making out with another girl next week.</p>
<p>Then you tell her you thought the girl was a guy.</p>
<p>lmao </p>
<p>(10 chars)</p>
<p>JUST BE HONEST. Seriously.</p>
<p>Yea, I agree with the previous post. It's best you tell the girl how you truly feel than beating around the bush because no matter what she will feel hurt (trust me I have been "rejected" before and it wasn't fun). Later on down the road she will be satisfied that you told her instead of acting fake. In this world, everyone experiences hurt and sadness. It's up to you how you deal with the experience. And I rather learn from my experiences than crawl in a hole for the rest of my life.</p>
<p>Be honest. And by honest, I mean don't mention another girl's name.</p>
<p>LMAO. What do you mean "confess"? You mean they spill their hearts to you or they tell you they love/like you? These are two very different things. Is there ever a girl who confesses to you that you don't want to reject?</p>
<p>"It's not you. It's me."</p>
<p>by honest do you also tell the reason why you reject her if she asks? (like you're stupid, ugly, or something softer like you're not my type etc)</p>
<p>Be as honest as Simon Cowell.</p>
<p>In most cases, "I just don't feel the connection" is an honest answer.</p>
<p>just make it as less painful as possible. thats the point. there are some people who will make it as painful as possible, just to see, how hurt you get, because it is a direct indication of how much she likes you, and is also an ego boost. at the same time</p>
<p>(i am male )
i was dumped half way through a relationship, for another guy. worse the other guy was my best friend. that is probably as bad as it gets. anything else that happens after that in life, you will proboably not feel so hurt. </p>
<p>so just rememeber, reject her how ever you want, but please just dont make it painful. some people take years to get over it. i took 1 full year.</p>
<p>I agree that it's best to do it as honestly as possible. A few don'ts to avoid in your situation. I HIGHLY doubt you'd do anything like the points below judging by the fact that you asked for advice on how to be nice about rejecting someone; however, I figured that it doesn't hurt to bring up a few things to avoid doing at all costs, even if some of them come off as dead obvious or far-fetched:</p>
<li><p>Don't tell her you're not interested over the phone or online. Everything you say will sound about ten times harsher if you do it that way.</p></li>
<li><p>Don't waste your breath with long excuses of why you're not interested. It's enough for her to know without hearing fifty reasons for it. In fact, reasons will sometimes make it worse because they can cause her to question aspects of her person (ie: "I don't find myself attracted to you in that way" could make her question whether she's attractive "in that way" at all).</p></li>
<li><p>Don't tell her in a public situation where you could be overheard or won't feel comfortable speaking to her honestly and openly. There's no point to draw attention to what is fundementally a rejection for her.</p></li>
<li><p>Don't tell her you're not interested because you have your eye on someone else. Doing so absolutely crushes her ego, particularly if she knows the other girl. And it leads to all sorts of unpleasantness such as jealousy.</p></li>
<li><p>And above all, I agree with theasianmadman, avoid making it painful at all costs. Make it short and sweet and be sure to say something positive along with the rejection (ie, the ever-cliche "I really value our friendship").</p></li>
<p>I'm just curious.. and this is purely hypothetical, what if you do have your eyes on someone else? and that a few weeks later the rejected girls see you with her?</p>