How to withdraw Enrollment and Housing Deposit once submitted?

<p>What is the process to formally withdraw from enrollment from UA once all the deposit have been made? We understand, of course, that we will forfeit nearly all of the deposit funds.</p>

<p>If you complete the housing contract cancellation form TODAY (May 1), you will receive all but $25 back from Housing.</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Your regional recruiter will know how to alert Admissions of your decision.</p>

<p>Hope this helps,

<p>We withdrew a couple of weeks ago, much to my dismay my DS decided to go elsewhere. </p>

<p>Our recruiter notified admissions & we completed the housing cancellation form. We received the nicest letter from admission saying they were sorry he would not be attending but wished him well. Very classy, I thought.</p>

<p>The other school sent him a map. And a couple of postcards. How personal. Sigh.<br>
At least my DD will still be at Alabama for a couple of years yet. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>A few weeks ago my daughter cancelled her housing and declined her scholarship. I am assuming that they know she is not attending. I could not find a way to cancel enrollment. I realize that her enrollment deposit is non-refundable.</p>

<p>We ended up sending a message through the admissions message system at the website. Our local recruiter sent us a nice note and told us that he would take care of insuring she was disenrolled. We then got an email from someone else confirming it was done. She also submitted the housing withdrawal form that was linked about. Thanks for your help, everyone. I have to say, I think Alabama is great! If our next child wants to go there, I’ll fully support it. They’re a class act!</p>