How will they tell us???

<p>For postponed applicants will they tell us online or in the mail??? Has anyone heard yet? Do you really think we will hear by 3/15?</p>

<p>i do really think we will know by the 15th but i think it will be in both places. Its not like it will only be online. They said they will write a handwritten letter about their answer.</p>

<p>It said in the letter that they will notify us of a final decision in writing by March 15th, meaning i'm guessing snail mail.</p>

<p>I hope it's by the 15th, because i'll be pretty ****ed if they lied to me, lol.</p>

<p>a2wolves if u dont get into Wisconsin where r u going? Im goin to IU if i dont get in...</p>

<p>I don't know, it's really depressing talking to my parents. They want me to go to a CC and transfer. If it was all up to me, i'd be going to Indiana or Miami. Or Michigan (if I get in).</p>

<p>My application was marked as complete on 1/17 and I haven't heard anything since. Considering that they're notifying the postponed applicants all by 3/15, should I be concerned?</p>

<p>...Well, my dad just called and said that a letter had just arrived from Wisconsin. This definitinitely doesn't look like good news, but what can you do?</p>

<p>JUST CHECKED ONLINE! I got in after being postponed. </p>

<p>"Congratulations! You have been admitted to the University of Wisconsin. We have mailed your official letter of admission and admission materials. "</p>

<p>I, on the other hand, was just denied admission. :/ Must say, it was probably my first choice, though not overwhelmingly.</p>

<p>650M, 650V, 670W
3.4 unweighted GPA
Most rigorous coarseload
Leadership positions in several activites</p>

<p>No point in getting too upset, though I do wonder exactly what led to my denial.</p>

<p>Did they inform you of your denial online?</p>

<p>veryworried, what were your senior year grades and did you send any recs?</p>

<p>I have now received an e-mail saying that i am invited to a local thing. Right when I got home I got a phone call saying I was invited to the same thing and congratulating me on my acceptance. The man was like "guess what, YOUR IN". I already knew lol. He was nice and asked me if wisc was my first choice. I said yah as long as the financial aid worked. Out he said that Wisc is a great educational at a great price. I told him i am only considering my instate school(Maryland) and Wisconsin. He said in a joking way that we both knew which was the right choice. I am going to visit Wisconsin and I hope that I will go there. Just the financial aid stuff but Wisconsin is better known for aid than UMD. </p>

<p>If it is any help at all. I sent in two extra recs. I had two in before but i got these from my internship.<br>
Good luck everyone...</p>

<p>My senior grades weren't good, like a 3.1, but I didn't send the midyear transcript. I had recommendations from my junior year AP Literature teacher and from my guidance counselor.</p>

<p>werent you supposed to send the mid year grades?</p>

<p>I didn't... I thought that was only a requirement for postponed applicants.</p>

<p>o i thought you were postponed. Yah i think it is only for postponed students...</p>

<p>ya sorry i thought you were postponed as well.</p>

<p>You have to send them a final transcript prior to enrollment, otherwise they won't allow you to enroll. 3.1 isn't bad, it won't get anything revoked. May as well send it now rather than later.</p>

<p>A2, send the final transcript now or the midterm now?</p>

<p>I know that for Postponed applicants, they required you to send in your mid term grades. If you didn't do so, you weren't going to get in. If you are accepted to the university, you have to send them your final transcript prior to enrollment.</p>