How's AA going?

<p>If anyone hears from anyone particiapting in AA this week, I would love to know what they are up to and how things are going. :-)</p>

<p>I don’t know much other than my D is loving it. She also sent a video of the storm that came through. I think she took it from whatever school she was at.</p>

<p>It was pouring rain in T-town a couple of hours ago. Don’t know how that affected anything. Likely affected the OA kids.</p>

<p>Thanks! I was surprised when my S called me this afternoon to tell me all about his day so far. We must have talked for 40 minutes. Sounds like everything is going okay…even though his “job” is rather physcial and he is NOT the physical type. Oh well… he is surviving. :-)</p>

<p>Daughter sent me a text today and said she was about to get wet – so guess they were outside somewhere… She called last night and said they had a good time at the ice breaker…</p>

<p>LOL – right after I post this I get a phone call and daughter asked me a Bama trivia (landmark) question – then a quick “I love you” and poof, gone… guess they are having fun with a scavanger hunt or something…</p>

<p>So that is what “Quest” is! Sounds like lots of fun! :-)</p>

<p>all i’ve gotten is a text saying “lots of fun”, and something about a scavenger hunt.</p>

<p>And I got a text message with a trivia question! Sounds like they are having fun!</p>

<p>everyone is great but my body no longer works.</p>

<p>My daughter said they get to eat in real restaurants this week. Last night was Dreamland. I also heard about shoveling mulch in the driving rain. She said all the kids were really nice and it has been easy making friends.</p>

<p>The Honors College has posted a couple of pics on FB. Looks like hard work but also a lot of fun.</p>

<p>Yeah! A pic of my son (green-ish shirt, back to camera). No wonder he has not called/contacted me. From other comments, he is probably dead tired…</p>


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<p>Thanks for letting us know about the picture on FB! :-)</p>

<p>D is very tired today. She might be napping in their down time this afternoon. </p>

<p>I feel a bit like when the kids were at summer camp…checking for glimpses in photos, blog posts, etc. I’m sure that soon they will settle in and we (parents) will settle in to them being gone.</p>

<p>Heard from my daughter a little while ago. She is TIRED but having a great time, meeting so many new people, etc. She shoveled a lot of dirt today. After class tonight, it is time for dinner in town, ultimate frisbee and capture the flag.</p>

<p>Thanks for the Facebook link – I “think” I see my daughter in the teambuilding pic – back of her head (blonde) in front right. She called me this morning on her way – she has to park and walk over to meeting place since she drives in from off campus. She told me she was having a blast, went home and took nap in the “free time” yesterday.</p>

<p>Heard from my tired dd…All I got was dinner was at the Mellow Mushroom and she is having fun.</p>

<p>D said that Capture the Flag was a lot of fun. Sounds like they are keeping busy.</p>