How's AA going?

<p>STLCrimsonMom - Are you a Rams fan? Their new RB is like family to us, so I jsut had to ask. :-)</p>

<p>Anyhow, I have spoken to my son several times. Other than being extremely tired and sore, he is enjoying AA. Making many friends and eating well. So far, I would have to say that participating in AA was a great decision and I would recommend it to all incoming freshmen. :-)</p>

<p>my daughter also says she’s tired but having a great time. she went to dinner tonight with her AA group to dreamland. i think i also see her in a picture on facebook - blond hair, sitting down on the left in the teambuilding photo. guess she’s having fun</p>

<p>My S said he had fun canoeing and only flipped 3 times. By the time they got back and showered he had to be back at the quad for quad Olympics. He ordered from Jimmy Johns after.</p>

<p>jrcsmom - be careful about posting links to FB, you can get banned for that (or receive a stern warning).</p>

<p>Canoe tippin’? is your son in OA (instead of AA)?
Anyway, there is another set of a couple pics on the UA Honors FB webpage. LOVE the Swamp Barbie!</p>

<p>Good thing our kids will have a few days off before classes start next week - My son is exhausted. He also has scratches all over his hands and arms, and maybe even a rash. Great…Calamine lotion is one item I did not leave with him. And to think I thought I had thought of everything. UGH!!!</p>

<p>Is poison oak/ivy something that is prevalent down in those parts? If so, I need to remember this, as some family members are highly reactive to it.<br>
Also, my comment would be that AA appears to not be like it has been in previous years - it sounds like it has been more outdoors, physical labor, rather than indoor renovation stuff, and not actually meeting/mentoring with elementary children. My son was looking forward to face time w/ kids… From some of the posts here, I actually am confused between OA and AA now…</p>

<p>Sorry Aeromom, yes my son is in OA.</p>

<p>Yes, poison ivy/oak are very prevalent down here.</p>

<p>I agree aeromom…My son was disappointed that they did not work with children. Other than the optional activities in the evenings, there didn’t seem to be much of a difference between OA and AA. Poison Ivy/oak, huh? I sure hope that isn’t what my son has! YIKES!</p>

<p>When I was there last weekend, we visited the church my D plans on attending. Seems like I heard while there that the public schools were starting later than usual this year. My guess is they had no students to tutor. </p>

<p>D was on a team that painted a crosswalk the other day.</p>

<p>I think the legislature passed a law requiring the start of school to be August 20th. Anyway, I just talked with my sister this morning who is a teacher and she said students return on Monday.</p>

<p>It is true about a new law preventing schools from starting prior to August 20 and it was passed late in the spring, well after the AA and OA application deadlines.</p>

<p>Yes, my son said the same thing about why they were not working with kiddos. He said he understood… The jobs he has done, though, were more physical than he would have liked (he is NOT a physical kid), but I guess it good to have to be out of your comfort zone at times, huh?</p>

<p>Your son might consider UH 105 which is mentoring at the elementary schools, or UH 101 (service learning/also mentoring students). My daughter enjoyed UH 105 immensely. He’ll need a car to get to the schools though, or someone to give him a ride each week.</p>

<p>bamagirls - Good idea! Maybe he can do that next year. That would help tip the scales in his favor in regards to taking his car to school. :-)</p>

<p>Well I’m glad to hear you have all heard from your kids this week. I recently sent a text that said, “are you still alive?” and have not yet received a response. :(</p>

<p>^ My son did not even respond when I sent him a photo Monday night showing police and ambulances at our home after a teenager had crashed into son’s parked car at our home. I feel your pain.</p>

<p>RTRMom and Class2012Mom- I feel your pain too. I sent a “let me know you’re alive” text this morning too. I do take this as a good sign- if my D were homesick, she would have been in contact. I am so glad she signed up for this and I can’t wait to hear about it!</p>

<p>Does anyone know what the schedule is tonight? I’m looking for breadcrumbs here :)</p>

<p>Class2012Mom - Oh my gosh! Now that is a story to tell! So funny!</p>

<p>RTRMom2 - You know you son best, but I would have to say he is too busy (and happy) to call/respond. :-)</p>

<p>cdenglish 949 - I know that they have some sort of banquet tonight because my son sent me a text askign what he should wear given that he was told the banquet is “business casual”. :-)</p>