<p>Hi, I'm sleepless and missing sonny. He used to keep me company staying up late. Now I'm on my own. DH is an early bird, unlike me, the late owl. :(</p>
<p>So, I'm on CC NYU with some of my thoughts and questions:</p>
<p>Did your move-ins go smoothly (relatively speaking)? How were the crowds? What time of day was best for moving in (from your experience)? How about parking?</p>
<p>How does it feel to be at NYU and in NYC (for those new to town)? Are you getting acclimated with Welcome Week events? Is NYU matching up to your expectations? (You are probably too busy with all the Welcome Events to come on the forum much, but hey, I might catch a few of you. :) )</p>
<p>Oh, yes, how are the Welcome Week leaders, RAs, and Student Hall Council members doing? It must be quite hectic for all of you.</p>
<p>Well, I sent sonny to ABC Carpets and he got a high quality carpet for $100 (he thought the room at Founders was a little too sterile with the bare floor). I must say he is a good shopper (I like to think it is partly my training, hehe).</p>
<p>We are also looking at best value compact fridges. Did you notice that with the yearly rental of $105 for a fridge and $50 shipping, you can practically buy your own compact fridge?</p>
<p>One last thing about parking and a warning for any families coming to visit residents at Founders (or even other residential dorms at NYU). Remember in an earlier post, I said I was quoted $41 for one hour parking a couple of streets from Founders? I passed that up, of course, and ended up in a parking lot right near Founders, Manhattan Parking (12th St. and 3rd Ave.). I hurried like mad to make it back to the parking lot to pay for 1/2 hour parking for $8 (and not to go over to $16 for the one hour of parking), especially since sonny wanted me out of his room to take a nap. Well, I made the 1/2 hr deadline, but discovered later that the parking attendant had charged my credit card $43! Wow! I am not sure if it was an honest mistake or a scam. Good thing I kept my receipt (I usually do, thankfully).
Because of that, my cc company will dispute the charge for me.</p>
<p>Without my receipt, I would have ended up paying $43 for 1/2 hour parking. So beware and ask for rates and quotes beforehand and keep your receipts when it comes to parking in NYC (not that it happens all the time, but once is enough)!</p>
<p>Anyway, hope all is going well for the new students at NYU, as well as returning students.
Have fun before the school work and demands begin!</p>