HS class of 2010 Early applicants' results

<p>Are you guys all from ED? Because I talked to someone who works at the school, and they do not send any EA stuff until after January 4 when the admissions office reopens from break.</p>

<p>Colomom, Congratulations to your daughter. If you wouldn’t mind, could you share with us hopefuls for next year her stats.:))))</p>

<p>@Jesskaaa - I applied EA, and got my acceptance package today. The letter said that they send out a few EA acceptances early and the majority in January, so you’ve still got a good shot at acceptance!</p>

<p>EA acceptance for Male in Colorado, excellent stats and came up with a cool idea for the block plan.</p>

<p>Congratulations to those accepted and good luck to those waiting. I’m looking back with quite the nostalgia to the day my son received the thick envelope.</p>

<p>Last year the EA letters went out in at least 2 waves.
Some kids (a minority I think) got acceptance letters by mid to late December, others had to wait for them until January.</p>


<p>4 -EA accepts
male-1 Colorado
female -1 Colorado
unknown gender and state-2

<p>1-ED accept

<p>DS received EA acceptance today. Eastern Massachusetts.</p>

<p>GREAT Fourfather!!!</p>


<p>5 -EA accepts
male-2 Colorado and Mass.
female -1 Colorado
unknown gender and state-2

<p>1-ED accept

<p>one of my friends in colorado received their decision today
their financial aid package was real sweet. practically a full ride.</p>

<p>still waiting here in ny.</p>


<p>friend male or female, EA or ED?</p>

<p>My D (New Jersey) got her EA today (12/22) and was jumping up and down with excitement! </p>

<p>Stats - 30 ACT, 3.5 GPA, varsity tennis, Girl Scouts, other ECs, visited CC in summer of her her junior year, and father is a former Colorado resident (but never attended CC). </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>friend is female, EA.
i thought ED got their letters at least a week ago already?</p>

<p>btw serena26, do you mind telling us if your D got a good financial aid estimate?</p>

<p>We got a financial reply/info in the admission packet, but not sure how to characterize it since it is based on our personal finances, will vary for everyone. CC ain’t cheap! </p>

<p>Hope you get that CC packet tomorrow.</p>

<p>Saw a few people keeping track of stats, so here’s some more from me- I’m a male from Oregon accepted under EA. Also awarded $40,000 “Leadership Scholar” scholarship, so $10,000 a year, not much else by way of financial aid. My SAT’s were 720R, 680M, 720W, GPA 3.9 Unweighted, 4,1 Weighted, several AP courses. I think the essays were a big factor in my acceptance; the admissions counselor wrote a note in the packet about one of them. </p>

<p>Good luck to all!</p>


<p>6 -EA accepts
male-3 Colorado, Mass. and Oregon
female -2-- Colorado and NJ
unknown gender and state-1

<p>1-ED accept

<p>I’ve been enjoying seeing the results as they come in. For the record, my S the ED admit is in California. Congrats to all!</p>

<p>Stats for my daughter, EA on 12/19:
Colorado resident, gpa 3.96 uw, 4.1 w, top 5% of class, ACT 29, handful of AP classes, lots of extra curriculars, including 2 unique, adventurous and studious summer trips.</p>


<p>6 -EA accepts
Oregon—SAT:720R, 680M, 720W, GPA 3.9 Unweighted, 4,1 Weighted, several AP courses. The essays were a big factor; the admissions counselor wrote a note in the packet about one of them.

female -2
Colorado–gpa 3.96 uw, 4.1 w, top 5% of class, ACT 29, handful of AP classes, lots of extra curriculars, including 2 unique, adventurous and studious summer trips</p>

<h2>NJ–30 ACT, 3.5 GPA, varsity tennis, Girl Scouts, other ECs, visited CC in summer of her her junior </h2>

<p>unknown gender and state-1


<p>1-ED accept
Cal.–GPA UW 3.55, school doesn’t rank, 1360 CR & math SAT. Visited, had a good interview and put a lot of effort into his essays. He’s a legacy</p>


<p>6 -EA accepts
Colorado – SAT: 750R, 800M, 770W, GPA 4.0 unweighted, homeschooled. The admissions counselor wrote a note about the teacher recs being good,
**Mass. **
Oregon—SAT:720R, 680M, 720W, GPA 3.9 Unweighted, 4,1 Weighted, several AP courses. The essays were a big factor; the admissions counselor wrote a note in the packet about one of them.

female -2
Colorado–gpa 3.96 uw, 4.1 w, top 5% of class, ACT 29, handful of AP classes, lots of extra curriculars, including 2 unique, adventurous and studious summer trips</p>

<h2>NJ–30 ACT, 3.5 GPA, varsity tennis, Girl Scouts, other ECs, visited CC in summer of her her junior </h2>

<p>unknown gender and state-1


<p>1-ED accept
**Cal.–**GPA UW 3.55, school doesn’t rank, 1360 CR & math SAT. Visited, had a good interview and put a lot of effort into his essays. He’s a legacy</p>