HS class of 2010 Early applicants' results

<p>Im a male from Chicago, attending private school that doesn’t publish a GPA or class rank… I can tell you that my ACT was 27… (on the low end) with a really strong essay, interview, leadership positions, and extracurriculars</p>


<p>6 -EA accepts
Colorado – SAT: 750R, 800M, 770W, GPA 4.0 unweighted, homeschooled. The admissions counselor wrote a note about the teacher recs being good,
Illinois–private school that doesn’t publish a GPA or class rank. ACT was 27. Really strong essay, interview, leadership positions, and extracurriculars
Oregon—SAT:720R, 680M, 720W, GPA 3.9 Unweighted, 4,1 Weighted, several AP courses. The essays were a big factor; the admissions counselor wrote a note in the packet about one of them.

female -2
Colorado–gpa 3.96 uw, 4.1 w, top 5% of class, ACT 29, handful of AP classes, lots of extra curriculars, including 2 unique, adventurous and studious summer trips
NJ–30 ACT, 3.5 GPA, varsity tennis, Girl Scouts, other ECs, visited CC in summer of her her junior </p>


<p>1-ED accept
Cal.–GPA UW 3.55, school doesn’t rank, 1360 CR & math SAT. Visited, had a good interview and put a lot of effort into his essays. He’s a legacy</p>

<p>Accepted Early Action!!! Son received the package today.</p>

<p>[sound of Christmas champagne uncorking early!]</p>


<p>7 -EA accepts
Colorado – SAT: 750R, 800M, 770W, GPA 4.0 unweighted, homeschooled. The admissions counselor wrote a note about the teacher recs being good,
Illinois–private school that doesn’t publish a GPA or class rank. ACT was 27. Really strong essay, interview, leadership positions, and extracurriculars
Oregon—SAT:720R, 680M, 720W, GPA 3.9 Unweighted, 4,1 Weighted, several AP courses. The essays were a big factor; the admissions counselor wrote a note in the packet about one of them.
**state and stats unknown **[S of sunmachine]

female -2
Colorado–gpa 3.96 uw, 4.1 w, top 5% of class, ACT 29, handful of AP classes, lots of extra curriculars, including 2 unique, adventurous and studious summer trips
NJ–30 ACT, 3.5 GPA, varsity tennis, Girl Scouts, other ECs, visited CC in summer of her her junior </p>


<p>1-ED accept
**Cal.–**GPA UW 3.55, school doesn’t rank, 1360 CR & math SAT. Visited, had a good interview and put a lot of effort into his essays. He’s a legacy</p>

<p>Male from Pennsylvania accepted early action.
3.3 GPA, 4 AP classes, National Merit Scholar, 30 ACT, varsity lacrosse.</p>


<p>8 -EA accepts
Colorado – SAT: 750R, 800M, 770W, GPA 4.0 unweighted, homeschooled. The admissions counselor wrote a note about the teacher recs being good,
Illinois–private school that doesn’t publish a GPA or class rank. ACT was 27. Really strong essay, interview, leadership positions, and extracurriculars
**Mass. **
Oregon—SAT:720R, 680M, 720W, GPA 3.9 Unweighted, 4,1 Weighted, several AP courses. The essays were a big factor; the admissions counselor wrote a note in the packet about one of them.
Pennsylvania–3.3 GPA, 4 AP classes, National Merit Scholar, 30 ACT, varsity lacrosse.
state and stats unknown [S of sunmachine]

female -2
Colorado–gpa 3.96 uw, 4.1 w, top 5% of class, ACT 29, handful of AP classes, lots of extra curriculars, including 2 unique, adventurous and studious summer trips
NJ–30 ACT, 3.5 GPA, varsity tennis, Girl Scouts, other ECs, visited CC in summer of her her junior </p>


<p>1-ED accept
**Cal.–**GPA UW 3.55, school doesn’t rank, 1360 CR & math SAT. Visited, had a good interview and put a lot of effort into his essays. He’s a legacy</p>

<p>Did you guys not apply for financial aid or something? Could it have hurt my chances if I did apply for financial aid?</p>

<p>YAY I GOT MINE TODAY. I’m so excited! Been waiting for this for a long time!</p>

<p>Accepted EA. Male from New York.
No rank, about 3.5UW, 30 ACT (31 superscored), 1320 SAT R+M. 3 APs. Lots of extras including 2 unique internships and college course taken in a city college. Visited CC this year and had an interview during an Open House. Good essays, Not so great recs?</p>

<p>Great present for Christmas! Hope you all get in too.
@onthefly, I applied for FA. I got a near full-ride financial aid estimate. Approx 2k in work study and 3k in loans, rest is scholarship/grants!! And I believe CC is need-blind so it shouldnt hurt your chances at all.</p>

<p>As for stats, S had around 2100 for SAT (one sitting). Top 10% of class. NHS, various ECs and academic awards. Visited CC in the summer. No interview. Offered a $7,000 per year merit scholarship, and modest need-based FA. Nice note from an admission counselor about one of his academic interests.</p>

<p>Congratulations to everyone who has heard, and fingers crossed for the rest.</p>

<p>And to all a good night!</p>


<p>10 -EA accepts
Colorado – SAT: 750R, 800M, 770W, GPA 4.0 unweighted, homeschooled. The admissions counselor wrote a note about the teacher recs being good,
Illinois–private school that doesn’t publish a GPA or class rank. ACT was 27. Really strong essay, interview, leadership positions, and extracurriculars
New York–No rank, about 3.5UW, 30 ACT (31 superscored), 1320 SAT R+M. 3 APs. Lots of extras including 2 unique internships and college course taken in a city college. Visited CC this year and had an interview during an Open House. Good essays, Not so great recs?
Oregon—SAT:720R, 680M, 720W, GPA 3.9 Unweighted, 4,1 Weighted, several AP courses. The essays were a big factor; the admissions counselor wrote a note in the packet about one of them.
Pennsylvania–3.3 GPA, 4 AP classes, National Merit Scholar, 30 ACT, varsity lacrosse.
state unknown [S of sunmachine]–around 2100 for SAT (one sitting). Top 10% of class. NHS, various ECs and academic awards. Visited CC in the summer. No interview. Offered a $7,000 per year merit scholarship, and modest need-based FA. Nice note from an admission counselor about one of his academic interests.</p>

female -3<em>
</em>state and stats unknown [poster lizstomanic on other CC EA thread–I assume a female]
Colorado–gpa 3.96 uw, 4.1 w, top 5% of class, ACT 29, handful of AP classes, lots of extra curriculars, including 2 unique, adventurous and studious summer trips
NJ–30 ACT, 3.5 GPA, varsity tennis, Girl Scouts, other ECs, visited CC in summer of her her junior </p>


<p>1-ED accept
**Cal.–**GPA UW 3.55, school doesn’t rank, 1360 CR & math SAT. Visited, had a good interview and put a lot of effort into his essays. He’s a legacy</p>

<p>GPA weighted : 4.01
ACT: 31 (32 superscored…not sure if that matters)
SAT: 1410/1600, but with writing it is 2060/2400
SAT IIs: 720 Physics, 750 US, 690 Math 2c
Extra Curriculars: Varsity Swimming, numerous other clubs, VP of Amnesty International, multiple internships, plays the violin, ukulele, and guitar.
From the fabulous state of New York
Background: Taiwanese American.</p>

<p>Offered a 19,300 a year scholarship.</p>

<p>I noticed on the acceptance letter it said that most are receiving their decision later. </p>

<p>I applied early action.</p>

<p>I also got a letter about my essay in my package…i wrote about Disney movies. haha. I still have no idea how I got in.</p>

<p>I think that’s it?</p>



<p>I’m sure it was the ukulele :slight_smile:
Congratulations and do I hope you decide to attend.</p>


<p>10 -EA accepts
Colorado – SAT: 750R, 800M, 770W, GPA 4.0 unweighted, homeschooled. The admissions counselor wrote a note about the teacher recs being good,
Illinois–private school that doesn’t publish a GPA or class rank. ACT was 27. Really strong essay, interview, leadership positions, and extracurriculars
New York–No rank, about 3.5UW, 30 ACT (31 superscored), 1320 SAT R+M. 3 APs. Lots of extras including 2 unique internships and college course taken in a city college. Visited CC this year and had an interview during an Open House. Good essays, Not so great recs?
Oregon—SAT:720R, 680M, 720W, GPA 3.9 Unweighted, 4,1 Weighted, several AP courses. The essays were a big factor; the admissions counselor wrote a note in the packet about one of them.
Pennsylvania–3.3 GPA, 4 AP classes, National Merit Scholar, 30 ACT, varsity lacrosse.
state unknown [S of sunmachine]–around 2100 for SAT (one sitting). Top 10% of class. NHS, various ECs and academic awards. Visited CC in the summer. No interview. Offered a $7,000 per year merit scholarship, and modest need-based FA. Nice note from an admission counselor about one of his academic interests.</p>

female -3
Colorado–gpa 3.96 uw, 4.1 w, top 5% of class, ACT 29, handful of AP classes, lots of extra curriculars, including 2 unique, adventurous and studious summer trips
NJ–30 ACT, 3.5 GPA, varsity tennis, Girl Scouts, other ECs, visited CC in summer of her her junior
NY– GPA weighted : 4.01,ACT: 31 (32 superscored…not sure if that matters),SAT:1410/1600, but with writing it is 2060/2400;SAT IIs: 720 Physics, 750 US, 690 Math Extra Curriculars: Varsity Swimming, numerous other clubs, VP of Amnesty International, multiple internships, plays the violin, ukulele, and guitar.Background: Taiwanese American; Offered a $19,300 a year scholarship, I also got a letter about my essay in my package…i wrote about Disney movies.</p>


<p>1-ED accept
**Cal.–**GPA UW 3.55, school doesn’t rank, 1360 CR & math SAT. Visited, had a good interview and put a lot of effort into his essays. He’s a legacy</p>

<p>Congratulations everyone! :] I remember how excited I was to receive my acceptance letter last year. Does it still come in that neat tri-folder?</p>

<p>yup all yellow and black and its got that small velcro that holds it in place and inside theres a thin metal bookmark!</p>

<p>Hey guys… I feel so blessed to recieve such an amazing acceptance EARLY ACTION letter from CC. They sent a handwritten note mentioning my essay … they really liked it… :slight_smile: On the acceptance letter, it says that most EA decisions will be sent out later… but that I’m in “a select group of outstanding students to recieve early notification” … honestly, my stats are good(2150, 39 IB predicted, 760 and 710 SAT 2s) but not amazing… frankly, I think it was my essay that made them like me a lot! Good luck to all… rooting for you all!</p>

<p>OnTheFly: my son did apply for fin aid (first boy on 07Dad’s list).</p>


<p>11 -EA accepts
Canada–SAT 2150, 39 IB predicted, 760 and 710 SAT 2s
Colorado – SAT: 750R, 800M, 770W, GPA 4.0 unweighted, homeschooled. The admissions counselor wrote a note about the teacher recs being good,
Illinois–private school that doesn’t publish a GPA or class rank. ACT was 27. Really strong essay, interview, leadership positions, and extracurriculars
**Mass. **
New York–No rank, about 3.5UW, 30 ACT (31 superscored), 1320 SAT R+M. 3 APs. Lots of extras including 2 unique internships and college course taken in a city college. Visited CC this year and had an interview during an Open House. Good essays, Not so great recs?
Oregon—SAT:720R, 680M, 720W, GPA 3.9 Unweighted, 4,1 Weighted, several AP courses. The essays were a big factor; the admissions counselor wrote a note in the packet about one of them.
Pennsylvania–3.3 GPA, 4 AP classes, National Merit Scholar, 30 ACT, varsity lacrosse.
state unknown [S of sunmachine]–around 2100 for SAT (one sitting). Top 10% of class. NHS, various ECs and academic awards. Visited CC in the summer. No interview. Offered a $7,000 per year merit scholarship, and modest need-based FA. Nice note from an admission counselor about one of his academic interests.</p>

females -3
Colorado–gpa 3.96 uw, 4.1 w, top 5% of class, ACT 29, handful of AP classes, lots of extra curriculars, including 2 unique, adventurous and studious summer trips
NJ–30 ACT, 3.5 GPA, varsity tennis, Girl Scouts, other ECs, visited CC in summer of her her junior
NY– GPA weighted : 4.01,ACT: 31 (32 superscored…not sure if that matters),SAT:1410/1600, but with writing it is 2060/2400;SAT IIs: 720 Physics, 750 US, 690 Math Extra Curriculars: Varsity Swimming, numerous other clubs, VP of Amnesty International, multiple internships, plays the violin, ukulele, and guitar.Background: Taiwanese American; Offered a $19,300 a year scholarship, I also got a letter about my essay in my package…i wrote about Disney movies.</p>


<p>1-ED accept
**Cal.–**GPA UW 3.55, school doesn’t rank, 1360 CR & math SAT. Visited, had a good interview and put a lot of effort into his essays. He’s a legacy</p>

<p>One more for the tally
Male, Upstate New York
GPA 3.7, 650 reading, 760 math, 29ACT. Full IB diploma, ski patrol & other activities. Did not visit but attended info session in Boston and had great interview. Received note about block essay. Great aid package too! approx $36K total</p>

<p>curious, for all of you who got accepted, how many of you are actually going to go? if not where are you going instead?</p>