HS class of 2010 Early applicants' results


<p>12 -EA accepts
Canada–SAT 2150, 39 IB predicted, 760 and 710 SAT 2s
Colorado – SAT: 750R, 800M, 770W, GPA 4.0 unweighted, homeschooled. The admissions counselor wrote a note about the teacher recs being good,
Illinois–private school that doesn’t publish a GPA or class rank. ACT was 27. Really strong essay, interview, leadership positions, and extracurriculars
New York–No rank, about 3.5UW, 30 ACT (31 superscored), 1320 SAT R+M. 3 APs. Lots of extras including 2 unique internships and college course taken in a city college. Visited CC this year and had an interview during an Open House. Good essays, Not so great recs?
New York—GPA 3.7, 650 reading, 760 math, 29ACT. Full IB diploma, ski patrol & other activities. Did not visit but attended info session in Boston and had great interview. Received note about block essay. Great aid package too! approx $36K total
Oregon—SAT:720R, 680M, 720W, GPA 3.9 Unweighted, 4,1 Weighted, several AP courses. The essays were a big factor; the admissions counselor wrote a note in the packet about one of them.
Pennsylvania–3.3 GPA, 4 AP classes, National Merit Scholar, 30 ACT, varsity lacrosse.
state unknown [S of sunmachine]–around 2100 for SAT (one sitting). Top 10% of class. NHS, various ECs and academic awards. Visited CC in the summer. No interview. Offered a $7,000 per year merit scholarship, and modest need-based FA. Nice note from an admission counselor about one of his academic interests.</p>

females -3
Colorado–gpa 3.96 uw, 4.1 w, top 5% of class, ACT 29, handful of AP classes, lots of extra curriculars, including 2 unique, adventurous and studious summer trips
NJ–30 ACT, 3.5 GPA, varsity tennis, Girl Scouts, other ECs, visited CC in summer of her her junior
NY– GPA weighted : 4.01,ACT: 31 (32 superscored…not sure if that matters),SAT:1410/1600, but with writing it is 2060/2400;SAT IIs: 720 Physics, 750 US, 690 Math Extra Curriculars: Varsity Swimming, numerous other clubs, VP of Amnesty International, multiple internships, plays the violin, ukulele, and guitar.Background: Taiwanese American; Offered a $19,300 a year scholarship, I also got a letter about my essay in my package…i wrote about Disney movies.</p>


<p>1-ED accept
**Cal.–**GPA UW 3.55, school doesn’t rank, 1360 CR & math SAT. Visited, had a good interview and put a lot of effort into his essays. He’s a legacy</p>

<p>CC is definitely my D’s top choice, but it will end up coming down to money. She did get a Leadership Scholarship from CC, but the price tag is still too high for us. Hopefully more scholarships will come through…</p>

<p>Happy news . . .D received a lovely Early Action acceptance package from CC this morning. She is thrilled and looking forward to being there this fall.</p>


<p>I finally got the good news today! Male, Colorado, EA.</p>

<p>2300 SAT, 4.0 GPA, varsity cross country/track, mock trial, NHS</p>

<p>Good luck to those still waiting!</p>

<p>So happy for both datadaughter and xcrunner25!!!</p>

<p>datagirl–are you willing to provide daughter’s state of residence and stats for tally?</p>

<p>Pennsylvania . . .3.7 UW 4.5 weighted, 2100 SAT, competitive public high school, many APs, several long term in-depth ECs</p>

<p>Received my EA acceptance packet yesterday!!</p>

<p>Male from California…3.46 UW GPA, 3.71 W GPA, 2150 SAT, 32 ACT, Top 100 High School in California. Admissions counselor wrote a handwritten note about Block Plan Essay.</p>

<p>Found out in mid December…Early Decision I :D</p>


<p>15 -EA accepts
California—3.46 UW GPA, 3.71 W GPA, 2150 SAT, 32 ACT, Top 100 High School in California. Admissions counselor wrote a handwritten note about Block Plan Essay.
Canada–SAT 2150, 39 IB predicted, 760 and 710 SAT 2s
Colorado – SAT: 750R, 800M, 770W, GPA 4.0 unweighted, homeschooled. The admissions counselor wrote a note about the teacher recs being good,
Colorado—2300 SAT, 4.0 GPA, varsity cross country/track, mock trial, NHS
Illinois–private school that doesn’t publish a GPA or class rank. ACT was 27. Really strong essay, interview, leadership positions, and extracurriculars
**Mass. **
New York–No rank, about 3.5UW, 30 ACT (31 superscored), 1320 SAT R+M. 3 APs. Lots of extras including 2 unique internships and college course taken in a city college. Visited CC this year and had an interview during an Open House. Good essays, Not so great recs?
New York—GPA 3.7, 650 reading, 760 math, 29ACT. Full IB diploma, ski patrol & other activities. Did not visit but attended info session in Boston and had great interview. Received note about block essay. Great aid package too! approx $36K total
Oregon—SAT:720R, 680M, 720W, GPA 3.9 Unweighted, 4,1 Weighted, several AP courses. The essays were a big factor; the admissions counselor wrote a note in the packet about one of them.
Pennsylvania–3.3 GPA, 4 AP classes, National Merit Scholar, 30 ACT, varsity lacrosse.
state unknown [S of sunmachine]–around 2100 for SAT (one sitting). Top 10% of class. NHS, various ECs and academic awards. Visited CC in the summer. No interview. Offered a $7,000 per year merit scholarship, and modest need-based FA. Nice note from an admission counselor about one of his academic interests.</p>

females -4
Colorado–gpa 3.96 uw, 4.1 w, top 5% of class, ACT 29, handful of AP classes, lots of extra curriculars, including 2 unique, adventurous and studious summer trips
NJ–30 ACT, 3.5 GPA, varsity tennis, Girl Scouts, other ECs, visited CC in summer of her her junior
NY– GPA weighted : 4.01,ACT: 31 (32 superscored…not sure if that matters),SAT:1410/1600, but with writing it is 2060/2400;SAT IIs: 720 Physics, 750 US, 690 Math Extra Curriculars: Varsity Swimming, numerous other clubs, VP of Amnesty International, multiple internships, plays the violin, ukulele, and guitar.Background: Taiwanese American; Offered a $19,300 a year scholarship, I also got a letter about my essay in my package…i wrote about Disney movies.
Pennsylvania . . .3.7 UW 4.5 weighted, 2100 SAT, competitive public high school, many APs, several long term in-depth ECs </p>


<p>1-ED accept
Cal.–GPA UW 3.55, school doesn’t rank, 1360 CR & math SAT. Visited, had a good interview and put a lot of effort into his essays. He’s a legacy</p>

<p>deferred. yes, ouch</p>

<p>3.45 gpa, in 3 AP’s, 30 ACT and varsity sports. competitive hs. never visited or anything </p>

<p>anyone not get in? doesnt seem like it</p>

<p>well im still waiting soyeljefe so i probly got rejected</p>

<p>i got in!!! i just got the letter today.</p>

<p>california: female, gpa 3.84 weighted, third decile/top 25%, 690 CR, 720 M, 740 W, school newspaper, tennis/cheer, summer study abroads, work, didn’t visit, 7 AP/honors classes total</p>

<p>deferred, I was kinda expecting it though</p>

<p>A deferral is not a rejection. It’s not even a Wait List. If you remain interested, maybe send a short-but-sweet note to express that fact. It’s possible that something came across in your application process that suggested ambivalence, some hesitation about whether the school (the block plan etc) is right for you. If that’s the case (and they are not just waiting for your latest grades), then some continued expression of interest may make a difference.</p>

<p>My S received EA acceptance in mid-December and the financial package was an estimated aid package around 5K. An admission’s counselor told me that merit awards are announced in late March after the staff has reviewed the full applicant pool although some potential students admitted EA have received offers. Any thoughts on my S’s chances of getting financial aid?</p>

<p>Stats: 3.65 GPA weighted
SAT V730, M 650
Top 5 HS in Texas
Strong leadership EC’s
Personal note from admission’s counselor with acceptance</p>

<p>Hmm. I thought CC’s usual practice was the other way around from what you seem to be describing. With my S, as I recall, they offered a merit scholarship with the EA acceptance in December (2008 in our case). The decision on need-based aid depends on the FAFSA, which ordinarily one would not start filling out until January (you need to provide tax information, etc., for the latest full tax year). So the decisions on need-based aid come out later, in the spring, about the time when RD decisions are announced. Or so I thought.</p>

<p>Need based aid depends on your financial situation, not (for the most part) on grades and scores. </p>

<p>For your son’s stats, and given the fact that he was admitted in December (which is early even for EA), I would think a merit scholarship of about $5K would be about typical. If that in fact is what he got (“President’s Scholarship”?) then chances are he won’t be getting more merit aid later, though he might be getting need-based aid, depending on your family’s financial situation.</p>

<p>I think tk has it right. My son’s EA acceptance came with a merit scholarship and an “estimated” need-based component. I understand that the “final” need-based FA will come later - after we submit the FAFSA.</p>

<p>OTOH, if there’s any chance for additional merit money later on, that would be good too. :)</p>

<p>Thank you TK and Sunmachine. Your observations make sense. I’ve been completing the FAFSA and will submit it once I’ve completed my 2009 federal tax return. Although we won’t fall into a high need category, I’m hoping my S might qualify for work study.</p>


<p>17 -EA accepts
California—3.46 UW GPA, 3.71 W GPA, 2150 SAT, 32 ACT, Top 100 High School in California. Admissions counselor wrote a handwritten note about Block Plan Essay.
Canada–SAT 2150, 39 IB predicted, 760 and 710 SAT 2s
Colorado – SAT: 750R, 800M, 770W, GPA 4.0 unweighted, homeschooled. The admissions counselor wrote a note about the teacher recs being good,
Colorado—2300 SAT, 4.0 GPA, varsity cross country/track, mock trial, NHS
Illinois–private school that doesn’t publish a GPA or class rank. ACT was 27. Really strong essay, interview, leadership positions, and extracurriculars
**Mass. **
New York–No rank, about 3.5UW, 30 ACT (31 superscored), 1320 SAT R+M. 3 APs. Lots of extras including 2 unique internships and college course taken in a city college. Visited CC this year and had an interview during an Open House. Good essays, Not so great recs?
New York—GPA 3.7, 650 reading, 760 math, 29ACT. Full IB diploma, ski patrol & other activities. Did not visit but attended info session in Boston and had great interview. Received note about block essay. Great aid package too! approx $36K total
Oregon—SAT:720R, 680M, 720W, GPA 3.9 Unweighted, 4,1 Weighted, several AP courses. The essays were a big factor; the admissions counselor wrote a note in the packet about one of them.
Pennsylvania–3.3 GPA, 4 AP classes, National Merit Scholar, 30 ACT, varsity lacrosse.
state unknown [S of sunmachine]–around 2100 for SAT (one sitting). Top 10% of class. NHS, various ECs and academic awards. Visited CC in the summer. No interview. Offered a $7,000 per year merit scholarship, and modest need-based FA. Nice note from an admission counselor about one of his academic interests.
Texas–3.65 GPA weighted;SAT V730, M 650;Top 5 HS in Texas; Strong leadership EC’s
Personal note from admission’s counselor with acceptance

females -5
California– gpa 3.84 weighted, third decile/top 25%, 690 CR, 720 M, 740 W, school newspaper, tennis/cheer, summer study abroads, work, didn’t visit, 7 AP/honors classes total
Colorado–gpa 3.96 uw, 4.1 w, top 5% of class, ACT 29, handful of AP classes, lots of extra curriculars, including 2 unique, adventurous and studious summer trips
NJ–30 ACT, 3.5 GPA, varsity tennis, Girl Scouts, other ECs, visited CC in summer of her her junior
NY– GPA weighted : 4.01,ACT: 31 (32 superscored…not sure if that matters),SAT:1410/1600, but with writing it is 2060/2400;SAT IIs: 720 Physics, 750 US, 690 Math Extra Curriculars: Varsity Swimming, numerous other clubs, VP of Amnesty International, multiple internships, plays the violin, ukulele, and guitar.Background: Taiwanese American; Offered a $19,300 a year scholarship, I also got a letter about my essay in my package…i wrote about Disney movies.
Pennsylvania . . .3.7 UW 4.5 weighted, 2100 SAT, competitive public high school, many APs, several long term in-depth ECs </p>


<p>1-ED accept
Cal.–GPA UW 3.55, school doesn’t rank, 1360 CR & math SAT. Visited, had a good interview and put a lot of effort into his essays. He’s a legacy</p>