Huge Problem

<p>Last week, after reading some posts on here about majors that were full, I went to check my AIS and found that Mechanical Engineering was full. I checked the box "change my major" and was looking at what I could do, but then I pressed the "back" button so I could get more information about the schools. I thought it would be ok to do this because I didn't think it would save whatever major was highlighted. </p>

<p>But, apparently it did, because both my first and second choice majors were now Business. I tried to change them again, but they stayed Business. I submitted a question to them regarding this, but they have yet to email me back. This was less than 7 days ago. Now, today I find out that I've been accepted into A&M and into Business. Is there any way I can change my major now that I've been accepted? Is it too late? I really wasn't expecting to be admitted so fast..I'm not even in the top 10% of my class</p>

<p>Well, first of all, congratulations on being accepted into A&M and into business since that is not easy to do outside of automatic admit!</p>

<p>First thing Monday, call the admissions office and explain your situation. They admit you to the university as a whole and then into your top major choice based on availability. If there are openings in an engineering major you are interested in, they should be able to switch you over.</p>

<p>Ok, thank you. I was planning on doing that. Hopefully I’ll be able to switch majors.</p>