Hurricane Gustav victims

<p>Please pray for the victims of the hurricane. Hurricane Gustav is going to go to Louisiana, and then Texas. This time, unlike the 2005 Hurricane Katrina that made landfall as a 3 and was the worst civil engineering disaster in the history of the US, the hurricane is currently a category 3, and will become a 4 or 5 in the gulf of Mexico in a few hours. This means winds of 130+, and the storm will be moving very slowly.</p>

<p>This storm is going to be probably one of the most powerful storms ever to hit the mainland in the last 100 years. The Republicans have canceled their convention - McCain thought it was improper to have a festive occasion at this time. The mayor has ordered a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans. There will be no emergency shelters in the city, since no building in New Orleans can sustain winds of 150 mph, which the hurricane may become faster than. We have enough evidence from the weaker storm in 2005 that killed thousands of people and billions of dollars in damage, to know that this hurricane is probably going to be one of the most deadly natural disasters in the history of the US.</p>

<p>Please pray that people will be safe during the disaster.</p>

<p>As much as I like wind that just sucks. Good luck to the people.</p>

<p>I pray that the hurricane will miraculously abate and disappear before it can do any more damages.-_-</p>