<p>do not drop out.</p>
<p>Change schools, housing arrangements, whatever. DO NOT DROP OUT</p>
<p>You will not like menial service sector jobs given your temperament, which is somewhat like mine. Service sector jobs are becoming an even greater portion of the economy, and manual labor employment usually requires a technical degree or apprenticeship. People will always comment on why you look sad, miserable or tired in the service sector. They especially want the “professional smile.” You can do a perfect job, and they will still btch about how you didn’t smile. “My job is to check your damn groceries as quickly and accurately as possible, and send you on your way, not to give you a damn smile, and if i wanted to do that I would’ve worked at a hotel or something,” is what i feel like telling those morons. Plus I work 35 hours a week, go to school full time, stress over life too much, and put up with neurotic Californian’s everywhere but my room, so of course I’m going to feel and look tired. David Foster Wallace wrote a great essay on the topic of the professional smile BTW.</p>
<p>Get your degree and work in a library or something.</p>
<p>And EECool is an idiot, but he is right about that when you get a job, it is really not that hard to just say “hi” to your boss and coworkers, and tell your boss “I felt really great taking care of x situation yesterday (even if it sucked)” and “do you have anything special you would like me to take care of” and so on. Often this may get you a task you like, and in my case, i get to stock milk in a freezer all by myself and not get annoyed by anyone.</p>
<p>Just get your degree. People w/ degrees have considerably more leisure time than those who do not, along with a myriad of other measurable beneficial outcomes. That is a statistical fact. If you drop out, you will have to put up with more of the juvenile nonsense you hate, and because you have to. I am sure their is a difference between a college educated workplace, and one that is not. People mature through their life you know.</p>
<p>Please don’t do it. Plus it appears you are doing well, even if you don’t believe it.
Son of a gun I hope you aren’t a ■■■■■ because I really care. </p>
<p>Just grow some thick skin, and if anyone gives you problems just say, “hi, I have to go do something right now, so i have to go.” They can’t annoy you later on about a response like that. i think that addresses one of your other posts, as well as this one, sort of.</p>