<p>During my coursework for spring 2011, i was unable to register for 2 classes on my planned schedule (due to budget cuts) . Does that automatically void admission?</p>
<p>Umm, why don’t you ask them???</p>
<p>did you report this on the academic update?</p>
<p>if so you should be fine. if not, whhhyy didn’t you?</p>
<p>last time i updated classes was during January (the official academic update). Does anyone know? or atleast know someone who was able to get in.</p>
<p>Are you still going to finish IGETC? What is your major? Is it impacted?</p>
<p>Also, what do you mean by “unable to register for 2 classes due to budget cuts?” Where they not offered at your school for Spring or did you wait too long to register and they filled up?</p>
<p>just tell them and it’ll be fine dude</p>
<p>I think the guy is saying he put those classes were IP, but he wasnt able to actually sign up for them…If thats the case your screwed.</p>