I just got a B+

<p>u should die in the sewers
jeez chill its not a big deal
its not like its going to determine whether ur gonna get into an ivy league or something
just keep studying and do ur best</p>

<p>Hah, a typical Asian</p>

<p>Lmfao! This Is Officially The Funniest Thread I've Seen In Cc!</p>

<p>haha.. no nvm.. ITS ACTUALLY THE MOST FUNNIEST THREAD I'VE EVEN SEEN LMAO!!!!!!!!! im jus sittin here and crakin up... today was really boring but u congratulationz, u made my day.. haha! LMFAO... i wud type more but im bzy laughin. when i get B+s my parents are pretty happy.. either what ur saying is a joke, or ur life is a joke.. im sounding harsh i know but this is probaly the nerdiest, in a way most depressing and most of all FUNNIEST thing ive ever hurd.. i know all these ppl are gonna say "oh, you shudnt be mean" but cmon "I feel like commiting suicide." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.. whats the point of going to agood college or getting a good job if ur never gonna enjoy life.. P.S- LMFAO!</p>

<p>^ this kid needs to learn grammar</p>

<p>"most funniest"
Reading your rant was like waddling through horse shi*.</p>

<p>omfg.. i knew friggen nerds like u would go check all this cra*.. WHO CAREZ! omg, iTZ A FRIKKIN FORUM not a research paper.. as long as every1 understands me THEY WHO THE F carez.. srsly, then i'll have people say "get a life" 2 me.. in a way im acutally helpin this kid out</p>

<p>whose gunna critize me next.. the problem with some ppl is that they are so picky on grammar and stuff, WHO CAREZ! as long a su get ur point through!</p>

<p>Okay, I have no idea what you just said.
I don't mind if you don't know grammar. Just please make sense...</p>

<p>Omg, I got a B+! I'm never going to get into Ivies, which means I will work in mcdonalds for the rest of my life!!! AHHH!</p>

<p>seriously, get a life. Stop worrying about grades... There will be things later in life that are even more serious than getting a B+...</p>

Otherwise, I might just have to blow up the universe by dividing by zero.


hahhhaa :)</p>

<p>We had a guy jump off the 14th floor of my dorm (during lunch hour) because he got a C on an exam. Apparantly the grade was the guarantee that he would not be able to get an A in the course and would ruin his 4 point. This is at UW Madison.</p>

<p>So I tell this story to my Cal Tech buddy, and he tells me that they had a suicide because in his junior year this fellow wasn't able to get one of the problems in a physics problem set.</p>

<p>The first liar never has a chance.</p>

<p>It's just quarter grades, colleges don't even see those. Don't sweat it. I've had similar things happen to me (such as an 89% that my teacher wouldn't round). It's really not that big of a deal. Try harder next quater and get an A. Then, it will mean more to you because you know that you worked really hard for it. :)</p>

<p>I can help.</p>

<p>I've been in this situation.</p>

<p>I had all A's until the last semester of senior year, when I got an A-. Harvard rescinded my acceptance within a week and I was forced to go to the local community college. I hope to transfer to St. Petersburg College, but I don't know if they'll take too kindly to that A-.</p>

<p>Don't make the same mistake I did! :(</p>

I guess I could make friends with the hamburgers, skillets, and spatulas...
Stupid A-. My life is ruined. Oh dear God.</p>

<p>I heard an A- isn't even good enough for community college. It's good for hamburger patty flippin' at McDonalds.</p>

<p>Wait, is this a joke?</p>

<p>If you really are stressing out about getting a B+, that means either 1) you are one of the smartest kids out there that aces every single subject (very rare, about 1%), or 2) your school has severe grade inflation (quite common, makes up the other 99%).</p>

<p>But chill. A B+ is not going to kill you. Heck, ask the people at Andover/Exeter. Do you think they get all A's?!</p>

<p>Grades are so relative to the difficulty of your school that unless you get something that's really low (C's or D's)...there's no point worrying about them.</p>

<p>An A-!!! Noooooooo, it's the end of the freakin' world.</p>

<p>wow this is sad...it's not even semester grades</p>

<p>btw what college would want u if u didn't have any social skills? getting all A+'s wouldn't help</p>

<p>You should take ABCB7099's advice seriously, because the same thing happened to me. I got into Yale SCEA but got my offer of admission rescinded because of one B I got during the second semester of HS. Apparently, I was a borderline admit case to begin with, and that one slip from an A to a B was enough to push me over to the reject pile. However, this happened with a B, not a B+, so the circumstances may be different for you. I don't really care as I got into Harvard, Columbia, Brown, and Northwestern (though waitlisted at Chicago... what??) in the regular round. Because of extenuating circumstances (mostly financial, as my family's income appears high but in reality, we can't afford what they're asking us to pay), I don't attend any of those schools and go somewhere else for free.</p>

<p>^ is that a joke?</p>