I just got a B+

<p>In my AP US History class (quarter grade). My whole family has gone ballistic. I know its an A but the idiot teacher didnt enter my grades properly it seems. I'm feeling really dejected. What should I do? That B just ruined my report card. I feel like commiting suicide.</p>

<p>Get a life ?</p>

<p>Calm down. Feeling to commit suicide over a B+ is ridiculous and shows that you cannot handle rejection very well. Receving a B+ is an AP class is GOOD. You may not have gotten what you wanted but you did not fail so just relax. If you're still upset I say talk to your teacher and ask him/her why you got a B? Maybe that would help.</p>

<p>dude omg...</p>

<p>are you joking</p>

<p>I can't get a life. I think that I'm the exact antithesis of being social.</p>

<p>I deeply hope you're being sarcastic. Otherwise, I might just have to blow up the universe by dividing by zero.</p>

<p>Glue the teacher's seat so they'll move you to a new one or something:D</p>

<p>If you know it's an A and the teacher entered your grade wrong then go talk to him (unless you mean it "should" be an A just because that's what you usually get). Otherwise I agree with LovesTHEarts.</p>

<p>Get some coping skills?</p>

<p>Because if this isn't a joke, I sure hope you get some before college...</p>

<p>You will not get into Harvard, or any other Ivys.</p>

<p>I think you guys are being too harsh:(</p>

<p>lol, this is funny.</p>


<p>chill out . just ask the teacher about the grade and if it is correct, be content with the B+ (i know kids who were dying to get a C+ in APUSH when i took it)</p>

<p>A B+ is good, my APUSH teacher was telling us that the course was extremely difficult and that she would be grading us as if we were taking this course at a very competitive college. Anyway its only the first quarter, if your not content with your B+ then work hard to bring up your grades the next quarter and ask what you can do to improve your grade. Btw, she told us that we'd be lucky if we even broke 85+. But to be content with a 80 in the class and that our grades would rise later in the course because its all about adjusting. Also, talk to the teacher if you think its wrong, because that does happen a lot.</p>

<p>This is end of the world. I'm sorry, but you cannot prolong your existence any further. One B+ will make you flip burgers for the eternity.</p>

<p>Ok, don't waste your life on such small things.</p>

<p>People are funny. And some don't deserve responses longer than two sentences.</p>

<p>Haha. I suggest that you get yourself a shrink. Seriously.</p>

<p>Fizix i'm not being sarcastic. Really I don't have any friends just "associates" as you like to call them in todays society.</p>

<p>I believe quarter grades do not officially count--only semester grades do. You still have a chance. Calm down. I can understand your self-hypercritical ways since I'm the same way but sometimes we just have to let it slide and relax a bit more, because no one's perfect.</p>