<p>I just called NYU and Northeastern and people at both places literally yelled at me.</p>
<p>I called NYU asking about when admissions decisions would be released for transfer students and i was met with the reply:</p>
<p>"It's absolutely ridiculous and absurd that you are calling on the day of the deadline asking for your admissions decision. You will receive a decision once the admissions committee has completed looking at your application."</p>
<p>Nice. I didn't even get an answer to my question.</p>
<p>And then i called Northeastern because i got an email with a broken link. To which the person replied:</p>
<p>"Sir, you need to calm down. You don't need to read me the instructions because i already know them. I have been working here for many years and i have never heard of this problem before. You need to take a deep breath and try the link on a different computer."</p>
<p>I am literally offended and appalled at both schools right now. I would really like to call the people in charge and complain to them, but i don't want to stir up sh! t before i even get accepted.</p>
<p>I think that they are overwhelmed at this time of year. Freshman acceptances/rejections/waitlists have just been sent out. Now they have to sift through transfer applications and match documents with a person. I think we’re all stressed out right now, myself included.</p>
<p>I have to say that you asked for this. Calling an admission office right when they release freshman decisions, particularly when you’re not a freshman applicant, is asking for trouble. I also have to say that the admissions decision dates can usually be found on their websites if you look around. Really though, calling the admissions people up at this time of the year is just asking for trouble. Think about their situation and how difficult their job must be before calling them up over minor issues. They deserve more credit and respect than you’re apparently giving them.</p>
<p>So if there website says call admissions of you have any questions. It should really say: Call admissions when we arn’t stressed out and don’t ask questions that have been asked 1000 times.</p>
<p>but really, it’s timing. This the most busy time of year for admissions people and I’m sure they were all a little stressed out. Give them a break, we all have those kind of days.</p>
<p>Your sarcasm probably didn’t carry over very well. The fact that the notification dates are stated right on the NYU website probably didn’t help either:</p>
<p>That is no way for any professional to behave, no matter how busy they may be! I would definitely complain about this. If somebody were to yell at me in a rude manner simply because I asked a simple question that I am entitled to ask, I would call back for an apology!</p>
<p>Agree with hooked, that’s really unprofessional. Would it have really taken any longer to say “I’m sorry, I can’t give you a specific date due to the nature of our admissions process”? It reminds me of [this</a> Penny Arcade](<a href=“http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2003/9/1/]this”>Someone Is Projecting - Penny Arcade). I’m sorry students bombard you with calls this time of year, NY Admissions Office, but you’re the ones who chose a job eating bees. Maybe they need to hire a couple customer service reps this time of year to screen calls.</p>
<p>For the record, I called all seven of the colleges I applied to checking on various things and the admissions and FA staff at them have been nothing but polite and professional. And thank God I called them, as five had misplaced/lost forms, didn’t have receipt of a FAFSA they should’ve received, and/or had my application listed as “incomplete” when actually they had all needed materials. And I’ve been accepted to six of the colleges, so apparently they didn’t hold the calls against me.</p>
<p>@Naturally: It sounds like you took a totally different approach from the OP. The OP apparently became irate with the people that answered the phone (otherwise, the quotes don’t make sense).</p>
<p>That changes things. If it weren’t over the phone, “you need to calm down” would typically be followed by security or the police placing the customer in handcuffs. See the University of Wisconsin video that showed up on YouTube a few days ago for an example. It sounds like the OP got way out of line, so an apology will probably not be forthcoming.</p>
<p>The OP needs to go to a small LAC where he will be held by the hand and walked through everything. If he can’t handle the admissions/transfer process without getting obnoxious, he won’t do well at a large university.</p>
<p>I’m sorry to tell you, but honestly, that’s the kind of attitude you’re going to get from NYU. I can’t say much about NU, but in my time at NYU, that’s basically the attitude I’ve gotten from every administrative person I’ve talked to. They’re very short with you. If you can’t handle their rudeness, I would discourage your attending NYU. For the most part, whenever you want to get anything done, you will run into rude people that will ship you back and forth between offices on campus like you’re a paper shuttle.</p>
<p>In the office’s defense though, they just released freshman admissions, and I think there’s some admit day going on today because there were hoards of little high schoolers taking up the entire sidewalk on my way to class.</p>
<p>“@Naturally: It sounds like you took a totally different approach from the OP. The OP apparently became irate with the people that answered the phone (otherwise, the quotes don’t make sense).”</p>
<p>It can be inferred that this was the case with the NU call, but that doesn’t seem to be the case with the NYU call. Either way, even if they were dealing with freshman admissions, there’s no excuse for being rude to a person who wanted a tentative date for decisions, assuming that person doesn’t call habitually and they were not being rude.</p>
<p>I’m just not sure where you get the idea that this guy DIDN’T become rude and irate. There’s nothing in his posts that’s at all inconsistent with bad behavior on his part. It’s just more clear-cut in the NU case.</p>
<p>does your northeastern application still say ‘we look forward to reviewing your completed application’ - even though you have sent in all material?</p>
<p>The counselors at NYU have the reputation for being direct in my opinion. When I applied there about two years ago as a freshman, I called them to ask about how my application was doing, I remember doing that near the end of March.</p>
<p>The guy searched my name and said “wow, 3.2 GPA, why did you even bother to waste your money on the application?”</p>
<p>Since this reaction happened twice, if we were to get input from the two admissions officers about the tenor and content of the questions I think some folks might see it differently. We’re only getting one side here.</p>