<p>I called today asking when admission decisions would be released for transfer students and he replied:</p>
<p>"It's absolutely ridiculous and absurd that you are calling on the day of the deadline asking for your admissions decision. You will receive a decision once the admissions committee has completed looking at your application. Goodbye."</p>
<p>I'm literally shocked and offended. I feel like i need to contact their superior, but i don't want to stir stuff up before i even get accepted. Lol.</p>
<p>That’s really messed up that they yelled at you, but they kind of have a point. If today is the deadline, they probably haven’t even started looking at transfer decisions. But they could have said it in a more professional manner.</p>
<p>True, they could have said it in a more professional manner, but you have to understand their situation. They just finished looking at thousands of applications and sending out mails. They get the same exact phone calls with the same exact questions every minute, every hour, everyday. It gets frustrating and takes a lot out of them. Just don’t take this personally and please do not contract their superiors and get them in trouble. They were just stressed with reviewing all the applications. This is a very hectic time for them.</p>
<p>Sorry to be nitpicky, but I doubt you were “literally” shocked no matter how small the voltage, and even if you were, it was not a result of the call.</p>
<p>If i wanted them to revoke my application i would totally do that.</p>
<p>What i’ve learned from this situation:</p>
<p>Don’t call admissions. Don’t ask questions. Be empathetic. The counselors are there to answer questions that are convenient to them. Take the student out of it. </p>
<p>I forgot you call admissions to make the counselors feel good.</p>
<p>NYU gets a ridiculous amount of applications and I’m guessing you aren’t the only one who felt the need to call on the day of the deadline. Sorry you have to wait but so does everyone else.</p>
<p>You’ll learn that a lot of people who work at NYU are dbags and contacting their superior sure as hell isn’t going to do anything. I hate half the people who work here, I really do. I’m SO stressed out right now because 2 stupid advisors and 1 professor gave me wrong information about blahblah and I had to meet with higher-ups from the Chem, Neuro and Physics depts today so they could all take turns yelling at me because of crap associated with my scholarship program/major/research when it wasn’t my fault someone who works at NYU told me wrong information to begin with. Yeah and I have to take an extra summer class I didn’t know about, and I can’t afford it either. </p>
<p>I think we need to calm down and let it go. We are all stressed (counselors, candidates, etc) and impatient right now because the results are gonna come in soon. Just wait and hope for the best.</p>
<p>Life only gets harder. You are making this more than it is. You are going to meet rude people everywhere. Calling for his supervisor certainly isn’t going to help your admission. It was a little premature calling on the day of the deadline. Maybe next week after the holiday to at least give them a chance.</p>
<p>i totally agree with thisgirllisag. in fact, you shouldve pretended you WERE his supervisor, and said that your call was all a test. :)really put some fear in him, lol.</p>