<p>… and often ended disastrously…</p>
<p>often seems to be an understatement.</p>
<p>I still don’t understand the concept of falling in love via Internet. This girl who I used to be friends with had an online boyfriend that she NEVER met AT ALL while they were going out, which was for at least 3 years. In fact, they might still be together… whatever, bottom line is… why bother with the online relationship?</p>
<p>They did meet in real life… I think</p>
<p>Better than nothing, I suppose.</p>
<p>^^^When people say they have a sexual relationship online, they’re either 12, as mature as a 12 year old, or just REALLY awkward. Was this girl one of those three things?</p>
<p>For what it’s worth, I’m of the opinion that InquisitiveOne is just a really good ■■■■■. He’s probably the best ■■■■■ I’ve ever seen on the internet (or maybe thermo1 is, or maybe they’re the same person, both great ■■■■■■, both with a ‘1’ or “one” at the end of their name). </p>
<p>Anyway, kudos InquisitiveOne. You sir, win at ■■■■■■■■.</p>
<p>Oh, and I need a girlfriend too. Preferably one who’s 15, Asian, and 5 foot tall. This might be the right place to find one. :)</p>
<p>^ Well, it all started when we were in 8th grade. So she was about 13 years old, which is close enough.</p>
<p>well my last relationship ended up very badly. her parents told her never to talk to me again</p>
<p>it ended like several days ago</p>
<p>i was feeling really devastated and negative for a while.</p>
<p>but i just asked fizix out again.</p>
<p>lol ilovefgump, we could date… Although I’m not sure if you’d like me. I’m quite open to it though.</p>
<p>I just searched that username… They’ve not logged in since 2008.</p>
<p>you mean fizix? She’s had other usernames.
= fizix2</p>
<p>How’s she doing these days anyway? Last I saw she was asking (under a completely different username) for advice on the Parents board wrt transferring and counseling.</p>
<p>^^You sir, are a n00b. She definitely logged in this year.</p>
<p>Not totally sure, I think she’s doing better now, but it’s hard to say at this moment. I’m not sure if I should disclose more info</p>
<p>Last Activity: 04-22-2010 04:25 PM</p>
<p>That’s what I see under the most recent name I know of.</p>
<p>Wait, AOM was a senior this year??</p>
<p>Good to hear. I hope she continues to improve.</p>
<p>I guess I am a n00b :(</p>
<p>Whatever, I searched the name “fizix” and that username hasn’t been logged into since 2008. I don’t keep up with everyone’s usernames. I’m really just a visitor in HSL.</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/high-school-life/843934-i-am-golden-age-cc-veteran-ask-me-anything.html?highlight=fizix2[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/high-school-life/843934-i-am-golden-age-cc-veteran-ask-me-anything.html?highlight=fizix2</a></p>
<p>Yeah, I forget 99% of people I reply to.</p>
<p>Wait which ones are you alluding to? As far as I had known none ended up badly (minus poop and ivy, who never met up I think. But that one was fail on multiple levels)</p>
<p>What are the successful CC relationships?</p>
<p>She said no. ilovefgump, can we please go out? PM me please. Thanks.</p>
<p>I’m sick of humanity</p>