if anyone has any question about hotchkiss

<p>wow, i didn't realize that koreans like to cluster together. i'm korean myself but i really hate it when people do that with their own race because it makes it seem like their hostile towards other races. that's interesting to know</p>

<p>hotchkissjin, HS counselors at our school have discussed that with the high schoolers here before so many koreans in COLLEGE (wow, you'd think we'd grow out of it at some point) cluster together as well. I found this interesting, but understandable; you get used to the language. if they know korean and english, you can speak konglish! no, seriously. communication is much more relaxed using both the languages, and the whole "we have something in common! we're korean!" thing as well.</p>

<p>I'm korean too so don't flame me :P</p>

<p>yeah now that i've started to notice a lot of asians cluster together in HS, it's really interesting. I kind of feel uncomfortable using korean-english with other korean kids because i usually have a caucasian or any other type of race friend with me at the time and it makes them feel a bit left out, but i can understand why asians would do that</p>

<p>hey everyone, i'm a current upper mid (junior) at Hotchkiss, so I can also help you all out if you have questions or anything :)</p>

<p>1580?? wow that's impressive.</p>

<p>Hotchkissjin! Youre on right now =]. What standardized test did you take for your applications? (to everyone) I'm going to be a sophomore applying for junior and I want to know whether to take the SSAT, PSAT, or SAT.</p>

<p>hi knealon i took the psat for soph year and got an 87% overall and i'm planning to take the psat or the sat for junior year since i'm reapplying since i got on the waiting list</p>

<p>That means if we both are accepted we'll both be new juniors. I'm kind of afraid of the social aspect of things, like sitting alone and having no friends. My boarding school now is half day students and i knew many of them before highschool because I went to the lower school in seventh and eighth grade. Are you?</p>

<p>i am definetly freaked out about my social life. i have such a good one at my school right now that i almost don't want to leave because they are such close friends but I think that the experience alone at hotchkiss (or andover) is going to be worth it so I'm gonna give it my best shot for junior year if the waiting list doesn't work out for me! :)</p>

<p>I know! I have such good friends at my current boarding school. But Hotchkiss is an even better opportunity, so I guess its worth it. My worst nightmare about the social life thing is having no one to eat lunch with and having to sit alone.</p>

<p>oh yeah, my worst nightmare as well. it's a horrible feeling and i'm guessing i might have to do that on my first day. are you planning to enter junior year september of 2009?</p>

<p>Yeah! Kay if we both get in and we don't find friends lets sit together on our first day so we don't tarnish our reputation for our remaining two years.</p>

<p>LOL yeah lets</p>

<p>Hahah yeah Have you visited? I'm sure you have I haven't had an interview but I visited and I talked to Mrs. Hsia and another very nice woman who looked like she could have been a chemistry teacher who offered us lunch, and I was really nervous when I walked in there so I only had water but it look AMAZING.</p>

<p>yeah, the school is really amazing. i didn't meet mrs. hsia but they had a student show me around, it was a sunday, i think? it was such a long time ago but i do remember that day i decided i really wanted to go</p>

<p>Ohhh cool! Me as well, actually. I went on a saturday at about 11:30 just as classes were ending and then lunch began, and then I toured throughout lunch and when the students were on their way to sports practices, I left. What's Kind of a bummer is that Tennis season is the same as Track and field. I like tennis a lot more though, and I play number 2 singles on my team so I'll be choosing that definately. =] What sports do you play?</p>

<p>no way, u play tennis too??? i play tennis as well and i also do track and field. plus i dab a little in lacrosse but i seem to have some kind of inability to pick up a ball with a little net. but track and field and tennis are the sports i do the most. i actually didn't know that they were both in the same season! that's a little dissapointing. i thought that they would have it during the fall and spring but i guess not. but that's so weird! we play they exact same sports!</p>

<p>That's crazy! But yes, alas, they are both in the spring season. It's dissapointing but tennis is a million times better than track to me. =]. What classes do you take this year? Lets see if those are similar lol</p>

<p>yeah, tennis is boss for me. i run the 800 in track. not so good with the mile though.:) i take algebra 2 honors, english honors, world history and geography honors, biology honors, chamber orchestra (honors), Spanish 3 honors, and p.e. this year. u?</p>

<p>Holy wow! as a freshman? They don't offer freshman honors courses at my school, So I'm just in normal Biology, Normal Geometry, Latin II, Spanish II, World Civilizations, and English. Next year (sophomore) I'll be taking Chemistry honors, Algebra II honors, AP Latin (Latin IV Im skipping III), Spanish III honors, Us history (dont offer honors), and English (same.) Right now I have a 4.08, ugh so close to a 4.1 lol How bout you?</p>