If you are a 2012 Freshman from IL

<p>Hey Freshman families in Illinois headed for 'Bama-land…there is an ice cream social send-off on MONDAY July 9th, 1-3 pm in Chicago-land area. PM me if you want the details. Many of you have received e-vites already via Crimson email system from Bethany…but if you didn’t, don’t hesitate to invite yourselves like we did! :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the reminder. DS received the invitation from Bethany but he won’t be able to make it. We’ve had the pleasure of meeting her twice, she’s very nice. Hope all of the kids enjoy the social!</p>

<p>If you are a 2012 freshman from Illinois? Sheesh - based on the roll-call, who ISN’T?</p>

<p>^^^ LOL Sure does seem that way. My D went to the social and sadly there were only 6 kids there. I did not get a lot of info from D because she had to go to work, but they had a nice time. I think she said 4 girls and 2 boys…</p>



<p>Illinois state flagship - estimated tuition engineering major, room/board, fees and books - $34k per year. Not even going into the weather, housing or the opportunities vs. UA</p>

<p>Oh. Weather. Well, why didn’t ya’ll say so?</p>

<p>My son and I attended this social. There were 6 girls and 2 boys in the end. (Only 1 other parent was there - all the kids must have driven themselves/got dropped off.) It was nice to catch up w/ Bethany our recruiter, and share some thoughts on how things might change in the future. This year UA actually had a … wait for it… WAIT LIST, due to capacity constraints. </p>

<p>My advice to anyone thinking about UA for the future (esp out of state-ers): get your apps in early, dot your i’s and cross all t’s, and put in deposits - in other words, show your commitment as early as you can, if you think this school is the right fit for you.</p>

<p>And if you are reading this as an incoming student, I charge each of you to look for ways to give back to this school and its community for the amazing opportunities they are giving you and our collective families.</p>

<p>Thank you, Bethany…thank you, UA.</p>

<p>"And if you are reading this as an incoming student, I charge each of you to look for ways to give back to this school and its community for the amazing opportunities they are giving you and our collective families.</p>

<p>Thank you, Bethany…thank you, UA."</p>

<p>Well said, absolutely excellent advice, and spoken like a true member of the UA family already. Welcome, aeromom.:slight_smile: The UA is a great place and offers wonderful opportunities to our children…we should all be working to keep it that way! Roll Tide!:)</p>