Importance of Mid-year grade report?

<p>I'm starting to worry about the impact of my senior year grades on my application. Six of my seven senior year classes are AP, and I haven't gotten less than a B in any of them, but I've gotten more Bs than I hoped. (For example I got an A for the first quarter in AP English and a B for the second quarter but the teacher gave me a B for the semester.) </p>

<p>The weighted GPA (4.3) is the exact same as junior year, only I have six AP classes this year compared to four last year.</p>

<p>Does anyone have a sense on how the admissions committee might view this?</p>

<p>You’re worrying about a 4.3 gpa? -_-</p>

<p>hey you’re taking 6 aps… do you know how incredible and difficult that is??? to manage A’s and B’s in those classes is an impressive thing and i hope the adcom will see that you’re working hard!</p>