info on UW Lacrosse

3.58 UWGPA AP, Honors courses 24 ACT. What are my chances of being admitted? And can anyone supply information on the following:

Social life
Campus feel
Campus appeal,looks
Greek Life
Surrounding city
Financial Aid, scholarships

And how do I major in pre med or is it a bunch of classes? Unsure how it works? Thanks

Very few colleges or universities, if any, offer a “Premed” degree.

Medical schools usually require you to take at least the following to be considered for admission;

1 year of Biology (with lab)
1 year of Chemistry (with lab)
1 year of Organic Chemistry (with lab)
1 year of Physics (with lab)

You can get a degree in the Classics, or English if you want, as long as you do the classes the medical schools want to see.

Some closely related majors have a “Premedical Curriculum” which is planned to get you the required courses as part of your degree in say, Biology, Chemistry or Biomedical Engineering.

Information on: girls? lol If you have to ask…

This is the UW-MADISON site. Being “premedical” is an intention, not a major. You can easily check medical prerequisites on various medical school’s websites. You can also check colleges websites for information for students interested in medical school. You can likely check out books from your local public library on colleges and medical school admissions.