Interesting Situation I am In...


<p>I am currently a freshman at Umich, taking very difficult courses and getting a pretty good GPA so far (above 3.7 is all I know). my original plan was to apply to Ross (finance) for next year but I realized that I dont want to go into business. But, I also really cant waste my time taking a language again (its not a req in Ross, but it is in the regular college) so I really cant stay here or else I will have to take at least a full year of language, which will plummet my GPA (I have to take the last term for grade). </p>

<p>I was wondering what I should do? I know transferring is difficult first year but, I am Hispanic (sephardic), am a moderately important member of the student government here and have a very good GPA with tough classes. What are some top tier schools that dont have (or only require 1 year of) a transfer language requirement that I should look in to? I know Duke and UChicago both have loose language reqs, and I am considering those places.</p>

<p>What kind of business major would not require to do confusing math?</p>

<p>PS. I am very interested in a pre-law type track.</p>

<p>I really like it here and have lots of friends, but I know that my academic career and academic happiness come before social life. </p>

<p>Any help/thoughts/discussion would be great. </p>

<p>-Anony Mouse</p>

<p>I was suprised to discover that Dartmouth doesn’t have any foreign language requirement.</p>

<p>^as a current dartmouth student, I can say that this is completely false.
Dartmouth requires two quarters of a foreign language (with drill- oral practice). You can test out of this with a 5 on a foreign language AP exam or possibly with SAT IIs.</p>