International High School Transcripts

While applying, do I need to send both the original transcript which is in a foreign language (arabic) and the translation or is the translation only sufficient?

Also, I didn’t get it translated by some authorized translator (simply because their translations suck, are literal and cost a lot) but I translated it myself then got it stamped from the issuing authority so would that cause a problem?

Pretty sure your school is meant to send one that you have not had access to. Shocking as it may seem, there are students who are pretty good at altering documents.

  1. if your school stamped it AND an official signed it AND signed the back of the envelope it’s in to guarantee there was no tampering, it’s considered official.
  2. if your school counselor approved the translation and uploaded it on common app, it’s considered official.

    In both cases you need the original AND the translation.

    Typically only subject, subject level, and grade per subject are expected - comments your teachers made aren’t necessary as they’re expected to appear through recommendations. If that’s not the case, then you can translate comments.

    The common app wants the guidance counselor to upload the transcript and its translation, as well as the grading scale (indicating 1°what percentage students get each grade in your school and 2° how that converts to national exams. For example, if a 2.5 at your school means you’ll likely get a 2 in national exams, where 1 is the highest and 8 the lowest, this needs to be indicated.)