
<p>How quickly after the submission of the common app. do Harvard alums contact applicants for interviews?</p>

<p>About 1-2 weeks.</p>

<p>Really? I submitted mine a month ago…and I still haven’t gotten a call or an email.</p>

<p>What kinds of questions do Harvard alumni ask, anyway? I’ve been reading the discussions of last years, and I was suprised that so many people did so well on their interviews! I’ve never done one, except once when I was nominated for Girls State, but that’s about it. I’m not sure if I should act all formal, but that doesn’t seem good because people all talk about how it was “like a conversation.” By that, does that mean that the alumni don’t ask in-depth questions about your ECs and your app?</p>

<p>I had all of my applications (minus the UPenn one), in before Oct2nd, and I’ve only just been contacted, so if you haven’t been called, don’t sweat it.</p>

<p>How were you guys contacted?</p>

<p>wait we just have to submit our part by Dec 1 to get an interview right? cuase I’m going to submit mine today–will I still be contacted for an interview?!</p>

<p>^ Even if you submit it the night before the deadline (Jan. 1 or something right?), you will still get an interview if there are available alumni interviewers near where you live.</p>

<p>For applicants in the U.S., when you are contacted depends mainly on the local alumni committee that interviews: how many alumni interview, what their personal schedules are like, and how organized the committee is. In addition, Harvard won’t send the committee your info until your app is complete.</p>

<p>You can’t read anything into when you’re contacted for an interview. Being contacted early or late doesn’t indicate your chances of admission. Many students won’t be contacted until March due to the things I mentioned earlier.</p>

<p>Thanks; I sent in the common app. a few days ago and was just curious. I also won’t have my teacher/counselor recs sent until Dec. 16, so I’m sure if that will affect anything.</p>

<p>laststopforme - My Yale interviewer contacted me via phone, but my friend was contacted via e-mail. I guess it depends on the interviewer.</p>