Iowa SSTP 2017

I am currently a sophomore (rising junior) and was originally placed as an alternate, but today I receieved an email that I was accepted!!! I got placed into ob/gyn.

@vxia12371 Ah, that’s so great! Will you be attending?

@thelittleswimmer yes I will be attending

@vxia12371 @thelittleswimmer Do you guys think the alternate placing is over now?

Emailed them, and they said it’ll be filled by around the end of next week. So not yet.

@Sinphirho2 I applied to the most generic fields (bio and chem)… hopefully I’ll make it in :confused:

@gkdudtlffj I applied to bio and chem too, but I was matched with someone in a different field. It turns out the doctor/professor I am matched to does the same type of research that I wrote my essay about, but just in a different department. So it’s possible that if you do get accepted (this all depends on a match though), it might not be in the generic fields either.

@thelittleswimmer I mean I wrote my interest as treatment of cancer LOL I don’t think there’s a field relating to that at sstp

I know the program’s actually about to start and I’m really late on the SSTP bus, but I still don’t know exactly what to bring. The Belin-Blank summer handbook says they’ll provide bed sheets, blankets, and pillows, but I need to bring my own laundry detergent? I figure it wouldn’t make sense to make us bring our blankets and pillows and stuff for a summer program, but does anyone know for sure? I think I’m going to call them soon, so I’ll try and figure that out.

@felix8 You need to bring your laundry detergent to launder your clothes, not the sheets. I think that they’ll do that for us. You can bring your own blankets & pillows if you want, like if they have some sentimental value and you think you’ll get homesick, or maybe you get cold at night so you’re bringing them just in case.