Any one applied for Iowa sstp this year?

Yes. my son did.

@eCLearning hey - results came out today. Did he get selected? I am in waiting list.

do you know how many kids got accepted this year?

Does anyone know how many alternates they usually select?

@JKMSNJ not sure. One of the older threads I read here mentioned around 40 kids.

@jz_1234 not sure. Are you an alternate as well?

@coolguy456 Yeah, hopefully they give us a decision on the 9th

@jz_1234 yes. Good luck!

My S got an acceptance. Anyone else accepted?

Hey guys! I attended SSTP last year, if anyone has any questions. In short: it was one of the best experiences of my life.

@rockcandy37 hi i have a couple questions so im just gonna list them: how was your research experience overall? do you know how iowa sstp compares to the bu rise internship program? how many people are usually picked as alternates and how good are the chances that alternates get a spot? thank you so much!

@serahn123 I attended SSTP Iowa in 2017 and BU RISE internship in 2018 last year so I can give you a good answer! So my research experience for SSTP was great, but you know that it’s not much time to get a really good project so if you want to get an award for your project, you need to continue it after the program ends. This applies to most other programs too though. And in terms of the program qualities, I feel as though RISE is less structured and for SSTP, it was much more tight-knit because there were only ~40 kids. And for both programs, it really depends on the lab you’re in. I originally was an alternate for SSTP but I ended up getting admitted on 4/20/17, and I know at least 3 other kids who were also alternates. I have no idea how many alternates there are in total or how likely it is to be admitted after being selected as an alternate, but it’s definitely not impossible to get admitted after being selected as an alternate because many people give up their spots for other programs.

@vxia12371 I have the same decision to make by tomorrow haha. Would you say choosing between Iowa SSTP and BU Rise is pretty much up to personal preference at this point? Also, do you happen to know anything about UF SSTP and how that compares to these two? I think I’m leaning towards Iowa SSTP overall because that’s the only one I’ve been matched with a research project with so far.

@awang1102 I think it is pretty much up to personal preference. But I gotta say, the food at BU was not great but it’s Boston so you’ll get by fine. At SSTP you’ll know everyone in your cohort but at RISE, you definitely won’t know everyone because you’ll also be with the practicum and high school honors kids for social stuff. And the social activities for RISE are optional so if you don’t like being dragged to social events, RISE is better. Another important thing is that if you attend RISE, there’s no air conditioning in the dorms so it’s gonna be very hot, but there was very good air conditioning at SSTP and the dorms were bigger and better. And the showers were small and the bathrooms at BU were not too great. I would just recommend doing more research on the professors you are matched with and try to see which one’s research interests is closer to yours. And I believe Iowa SSTP and RISE internship are both more selective than UF SSTP. You can always pay the deposit for SSTP and then if you get matched with a professor for RISE, you can drop out and attend that instead. I remember I had to wait a while to get matched with a professor and it’s not guaranteed so I’d say secure your spot at SSTP first

@vxia12371 Ok thank you so much! From what you said, Iowa sounds quite a bit better lol. I’m probably going to pay the deposit as you said and wait out the BU Rise project.

@vxia12371 thank you so much!! this is really helpful was the research quality about the same for both programs? i got matched with my top professor and i’m not sure that field is even offered at iowa

@serahn123 the research quality really depends on the professor honestly. The only thing I would say is to make sure the professor you’re matched with is doing something you really want to do. And the offer you got for RISE sounds really good!

Hey has anyone who has been chosen as an alternate this year gotten in yet?

I am waiting too. it said will notice start April 9