Iowa SSTP 2023

It’s overall pretty competitive. How real the research you do is dependent upon the professor you’re paired with. One of my friends last year was stuck in a chem lab doing lit reviews the whole day, but another one ended up actually doing work. So it all really depends.

My daughter got accepted to Dr Yang’s research lab. We are from CA.

ah thank you, that’s really helpful. fingers crossed my professor let me do some actual lab work!

Yea, I worked on an ML project with a Columbia Professor last summer. (in process of publishing) Overall 4.0/4.3ish, idt they asked for SAT but 1590. Overall some other awards like USACO Gold/AIME/etc and not some projects involving ML and other CS stuff. Waitlisted last year when I applied, don’t know if that made a difference.

Hey, how did you find the professor/lab that you want to work with to put in your essays? Was there a a list if professors we can choose from?

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Hey, how did you find the professor/lab that you want to work with to put in your essays? Was there a a list if professors we can choose from?

Same but not from CA.

How much % of Juniors are there in the program?

Anyone get off WL?

I’d like to know too.

also wondering. saw on another CC that they filled all spots on the 23rd.

Sorry, I’m late to this but I got bored and decided to look at yall this year–I attended last year–they had about the same situation where they sent out acceptances/waitlists/rejections. The turnaround time was quick, but my best guess is that alternates were then notified soon. The system works by the professors choosing the students directly, so the professor would likely then go in and re-select from the pool(s) of alternates for their field. I knew a lot of people last year who were moved off the waitlist, so keep an eye out in the coming days though I don’t know when final decisions were closed.

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No response yet.

How do you like the program overall? Did you learn something?

I just got off the waitlist

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Congrats! Do you contact them after WL?

Just curious, if you dont mind can you share your stats, this will help to decide whether my S has any chance to get out of the waiting list…Also which research area? Thank you in advance

How were you able to work with a professor from Columbia? Did you know the professor beforehand?

Just got off the waitlist. Rising junior. Intended area: ECE.

Congrats!! Do you mind sharing your stats or if you sent a letter of continued interest? I’m unsure about my chances