Iowa SSTP 2023

We didn’t send any loci. No test scores, but usual coursework and strong grades. Essays were probably strong which may have helped. Hopefully you will get in too.


We were not aware of the list of professors at the time of applying. But I the application you call out which area you are interested in and why. They then match you to a professor in that area.

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Thank you for your help!

Congrats!!! Would you mind to share what area you applied for?

Does anyone who has participated in this program in the past know what things we should bring? I have read that while laundry machines are available, we have to bring our own detergent. Are there any other things I should know to bring beforehand? Thank you!

Haven’t done this program before, but here’s a post from a few years ago describing what to bring:

link doesn’t work

Sorry, didn’t realize my method of skirting the forum’s link protection also fudged the link. You’ll have to manually type it into your address bar or use an online converter to remove the non-ASCII characters

Here’s the list they gave:

  • Rain gear! Iowa summer weather can be unpredictable. Make sure you’re prepared!
  • Official identification. ‘Nuff said.
  • Clean clothes are key! Make sure you have what you need to do laundry.
  • Iowa weather is unpredictable! Hot days can turn into cold nights. Pack warm clothes for when the temperature drops.
  • Bring swim gear. The University of Iowa has pools for you to use on the hot summer days… and water balloons!!
  • Make sure you pack your computer. You’ll want it for the evening seminars, as well as any other work you may want to do outside of normal research hours.
  • Bring your Sunday best, so to speak! You won’t need to fancy clothes every day, but during the final research presentations, you’ll want to look spiffy.

Created a program to mass email professors, and he was the first one to say yes.

I was accepted into dr demirs lab for in person. I applied for computer engineering.

Just received an email from them. Looks like laundry is free of charge. But they will need their own detergent.

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hii I got waitlisted for the online program a while ago and still haven’t heard back from them…is this normal or…

Are you a 10th grader or a 11th grader? Maybe we will work together.

Do you mind sharing your stats? I also applied but got waitlisted :sweat_smile:

does anyone have issues with the MyUI portal? I’ve created my ID but can’t log in😅

My understanding is that they will let us know when to go ahead and create the ID. This is from the welcome email:
In the coming weeks, you will receive a separate email from the University of Iowa with your Hawk ID and instructions on how to set up your account.

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Recently received the email with HawkID and was able to set up the MyUI portal with no issues.

Anyone going on-campus this year who wants to connect?

sure, I’d love to! Anyone have any additional information on a packing list and what housing/dorms will be like?