Iowa young writers studio 2023

Still waiting. We are in Wisconsin.

still waiting :smiling_face_with_tear:

is anyone else still waiting? it’s getting a bit late near me

Did any of you apply to both Kenyon and Iowa. If you get into both which one would you choose? Or will you do both?

Checking for my daughter, not receiving the letter yet. It is already April 4th.

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D got to Kenyon in person; and Iowa online version, 2 weeks that occurs same time as in person session. Since both sessions are 3 weeks apart, not hard decision, likely will take both.

How many did they take this year in total for both 2 week in person and 2 week online?

Is there anyone else still waiting for a decision? Not sure whether no decision means rejection by now.

My daughter applied both Kenyon and Iowa. Got in Kenyon but no words from Iowa. We’ll plan to go to Kenyon. I would say if you can get in both and schedule works out, definitely go for both.

My daughter also hasn’t received an email yet. I guess we’ll wait throughout the day and then contact IYWS to follow-up if we don’t get an email?

I did email IYWS directly to inquire re: not hearing anything yet. They responded quickly that they had technical problems with the deployments yesterday and not all emails were delivered correctly. Unfortunately, my daughter didn’t make the cut, but at least now we know for sure.