Is Hume worth it?

<p>I was accepted into the honors college and I was wondering about Hume hall. I was wondering if it was worth living there over somewhere like Broward. From what I hear, its nicer but the kids who live there tend to be anti-social and stereotypical nerds. I dont want to end up with some weird roommate and a ghost-town of a dorm. Id rather make friends in my dorm.</p>

<p>No the nerds are in East Hall (engineering dorm). Like I have said in other threads, the kids in Hume are well-adjusted.</p>

<p>If you are talking about “worth it” money-wise then absolutely not. All the dorms on the UF campus are grossly overpriced as far as the value of housing in gainesville is concerned and Hume is one of UF’s bigger scams. If you are talking about socially then let me tell you that yeah, Hume is full of many nerds but some of the people there are pretty cool. The thing about Hume is that the kids who live there aren’t so much nerdy as they are pro-honors. They travel in packs and do a lot of things that exclude people outside honors and they stick together a lot. If thats how you want to make friends then Hume would be great for you. </p>

<p>Keep in mind that every dorm has nerds and every dorm has social people and despite how some dorms are themed or designed for certain majors or whatever its still a very mixed bag. Sure you want to make friends and all but there are friends to be made in every dorm and it really depends on your effort moreso than which dorm you get. Remember that at the core you are still living with a bunch of random people who are your age so it wont be like high school musical where everyone is friends and gets along and all. In my experience most of my friends came from joining clubs and organizations and a fraternity. I have made 2 real friends in the dorms.</p>

<p>The biggest variable you can control that definitely will effect your experience in the dorms socially is the physical layout of the building. For example, many of the Murphree area dorms are sectioned off instead of divided by floor and so you interact with a smaller amount of people on your floor and wont make so many friends. Broward’s set up is just a huge building with a floor with many doors so you have more choices to make friends.</p>

<p>The worst part of Hume is that it is really far from most things on campus although it has parking right behind it which is a big plus. </p>

<p>Having said all this I would never recommend Hume to anyone simply because of its gross price.</p>