Is it Difficult to keep Presidential Scholarship (3.0 GPA req)?

My son was awarded a Presidential scholarship which requires him to keep a 3.0. I would like to think that wouldn’t be a problem, but I remember back to my own college days when advanced calc freshman year torpedoed my GPA. There is no grace period anymore, the 3.0 average has to be maintained from the end of year 1. What is the grade inflation/deflation like at UM? He will be a Poli Sci or Econ major, so not in the hard sciences.

Also, with the scholarship, we are paying our EFC. If he loses the scholarship, will UM give him FA in place of the merit aid?

For your first question:
He should have no trouble maintaining a 3.0 if he is just a decent student. Just needs straight Bs.

Some of the programs I’ve looked into require a 3.7 GPA! (U Pittsburg’s BSMD Program).

If you are paying the EFC that Umiami calculated for you, then even if he loses the scholarship, Financial Aid should cover around the merit scholarship amount.

No, it is not difficult but it might require some strategic scheduling. If there are two classes that will be a problem, don’t take them in the same semester.