<p>It's expensive, so is it worth it?</p>
<p>apply and see how much money you get.<br>
I was super under qualified, and I got $13,000 a year in merit money, plus financial aid grants.
it’s certainly worth trying.</p>
<p>It is only worth it if you really want to be there. Daughter loves it there. they only gave her 12,000 but I think you tend to do better in a place where you absolutely want to be.
It doesn’t hurt to apply and see what you get.</p>
<p>“I was super under qualified”?</p>
<p>Hannahtastic, how did you do on the SATs?</p>
<p>hannahtastic what school did you get $13,000 in merit?</p>
<p>It’s not worth the money unless you’re at Stern or Tisch.</p>
i applied undecided.</p>
<p>i wish stern gave merit money…y did they stop it?</p>
<p>also, uyn, I disagree.<br>
while ‘biology’ or the like in CAS maybe silly, I think Gallitan is a really neat school, and several of CAS’s departments are ranked amongst the top in the world.</p>
<p>I’m in Stern and I got merit money.</p>
<p>really because when i went to tour nyu
they said they only give need base not merit
wat year are you?</p>
<p>i got a financial aid estimate sheet and it said i got $20,000 for stern scholarship or something like that…what does that mean? is that merit money?</p>
<p>i have no idea
my friend got that too
my mail is running late lol
i just got my acceptance yesterday…</p>
<p>i dont know whether it really is worth that much money. i mean nyu is really bad about financial aid so i dont expect to get much. im definitely going to have to take out some student loans to afford college while my parents pay for the other half. but nyu is a good school and since im in gallatin i can choose pretty much any class i want. except for tisch classes where an audition or portfolio is required.</p>
<p>NYU is DEFINITELY worth it. :)</p>
<p>The school scholarships (Tisch Scholarship, CAS Scholarship, etc) are a combination of merit/financial aid. I don’t think you’ll get one unless you apply for financial aid.</p>
<p>I only got a 9K Tisch Scholarship, but I got two really big trustee scholarships (13K) which are talent based. Plus Pell Grant, TAP (NY residents), and CSS, I got little over 45K. I was really surprised that they gave me so much, cause everyone always talks about how stingy NYU is. But I’m really happy about it, because I was prepared to go into debt for NYU and now, they’re basically telling me I don’t have to and that is just an amazing feeling.</p>
<p>Btw they’re selecting kids for specific scholar groups like Tisch Scholars, MLK Scholars, Rudin City Scholars, etc in March and if you get picked, they’ll give you even MORE money haha. So, keep your head up guys. :)</p>
i should of applied for financial aid
<p>I was really surprised with the financial aid NYu had to offer too. I recieved a 12K Tisch scholarship, several grants, and work-study program. Over all i got 22K, which isn’t bad I suppose, much more than I had even imagined, so I feel pretty relieved.</p>
<p>But even if you don’t get as much as you want, you could always call the financial aid offices for an appeal. usually, if you qualify, they could offer you anywhere from 1-6K. I have, and I’m expecting to hear from them within the week.</p>
<p>And btwbimachris, I’m insanely jealous you recieved that much aid. lol congrats :-)</p>
<p>I got 20k CAS scholarship, about 15k in grants, 2k in work study, 1,700 stipend (can use it it on anything i want but of course it will be books lol) and 3k in suggested loans.</p>
<p>Which all adds up to alittle over 40k =D. and 37k of that i don’t have to pay back. So excited. I’m paying for an NYU education for a SUNY price =D.
Only have to pay about 10k a year.</p>
<p>Haha I know the feeling Jeo! People in CUNYs are paying more than I am lmao.</p>
<p>Haha thanks tdv. Tisch gave you more money than me though, so it’s all good. lol</p>