Is scholarship application required for automatic scholarships?

<p>My son has been admitted and offered one of the automatic scholarships, but he has not submitted the actual scholarship application. Does he have to submit this application to receive the automatic scholarship? It didn’t seem like any of the scholarships listed there were applicable to him.</p>

<p>There are other scholarships awarded through the application, such as the Alumni scholarships based on leadership. It’s recommended you turn in the scholarship application.</p>

<p>At least, that’s what my admissions rep told me.</p>

<p>The answer is…we really don’t know. lol</p>

<p>The Scholarships page indicates that you’re supposed to submit the scholarship app. However, there have been cases like yours where the school seems to just award w/o the app.</p>

<p>I would still submit it. It doesn’t take long. Don’t worry about including every EC, hobby, etc.</p>

<p>Ok, thanks everyone. With all the applications, essays, schoolwork, etc. he has going on right now, it’s very difficult to get him to fill out anything he thinks is not necessary. I can’t wait until this whole process is over and he has finally decided 100% where to attend!</p>

<p>Last year my son (a recipient of an automatic UA scholarship) did not submit the additional scholarship app. This is from UA website Scholarship FAQ:</p>

<p>To be named a Capstone Scholar, Collegiate Scholar, Foundation in Excellence Scholar, UA Scholar, or Presidential Scholar, do I need to submit my scholarship application by December 15?</p>

<p>No. Students only need to have the completed application for admission, application fee, official high school transcript (grades 9-11), and official ACT or SAT scores submitted by December 15. A submitted scholarship application before December 15 is still encouraged, as it allows a student to be considered for additional scholarships through academic departments and the National Alumni Association.</p>

<p>Hope this helps.</p>

<p>I asked that same question at E Day last week and was told yes. This was from someone at a table specifically for scholarship questions so I guess this person was “in the know.”</p>

<p>Is the scholarship app the same as the Honors College app? </p>

<p>My ds has been handling all of this. He received a letter in the mail some time ago awarding him the Presidential. More recently, he received another letter outlining the Presidential for having been named a NMSF and how that award would increase if he is named a NMF. </p>

<p>I sure don’t want him to miss doing something he is supposed to do! He did apply to the Honors College.</p>

<p>Where does one find the scholarship app? Hmm. I better ask about this.</p>

<p>No, it’s a different application. My son is also a NMSF and he received the same letter, but he also got a prior email stating that he had not completed the scholarship application. There is a list of scholarships and qualifications for each with a check box beside each one to select which ones you qualify for. The automatic scholarships are not listed and my son didn’t think he really qualified for any of the ones listed.</p>