Is there a benefit to attend and Honors Bama Bound?

<p>My daughter has not registered and has already missed the early Honors sections, is there a benefit in Honors or are all they all the same?</p>

<p>I think they are mostly the same, maybe a little bit of tailoring is done for the Honors crowd but I have not heard of many differences.</p>

<p>I did have to laugh when we attended with DS 2 years ago. There are a number of booth areas that are setup in the Ferg for attendees to browse. We stopped at one to read the signs and saw that they were there representing available tutoring. I made a remark that hopefully DS would not need their services much as he would be there on the NMF Scholarship. I got a quick reply of…“We spend more time at the Honors BB’s recruiting tutors than we do people to tutor”</p>

<p>I guess that would be one difference.</p>

<p>We did not attend an Honors BB last year, but went to the earliest BB we could. The difference is that they will hold seats in honors classes to be released at the later honors sections and you may have to wait till then to try and pic up a seat. Once you have been to a Bama Bound session you can play with your schedule all summer long. They do close everyone out but the Bama Bound kids for a certain time period while they register but then you can get in and revise the schedule to pick up newly released seats if any are still available.</p>

<p>My son was able to play with his schedule all summer as more openings became available at each BamaBound so I’d recommend attending the earliest you can. </p>

<p>Bama Bound can be completely overwhelming. It is sooo much information at once. It won’t matter if you attend Honors or not. Just know that whatever schedule is created that day can be changed. Look ahead at Honors seminars and possible classes. Use the mybama… Look up classes and schedule builder to create 3 or 4 possibilities to take with you to Bama bound registration. It will help so much to already have an idea of what you need to take. We were not prepared in that way. And remember not to overdo first semester :)</p>

<p>Does anyone recall if honors classes (either UH designation or dept honors designation) actually open up during ALL BB sessions, or just the Honors BB sessions? </p>