Is this excessive?

<p>Hello I've already applied to schools </p>

<p>Basically, I think I've sent too much stuff to my early school to the point where I might annoy (!) admission officers. </p>

<p>My app includes
1. Three long essays + 1 short essay
2. 2 pages of Additional Information (filled with tightly packed words)
3. 1 counselor rec + 3 recommendations
4. Other stuff </p>

<p>Will they read it all? Or will they think I'm trying too hard? (haha)</p>

<p>If you’re lucky, your readers will be having a nice day and won’t ding you too much. Your disregard of probably every schools’ stated policies – doesn’t bode well for you. The question they (and I) would have is “why are you a special case” among the tens of thousands of applicants? </p>

<p>Answer your questions: they probably won’t read it all and it’s patently clear you’re trying too hard. Hopefully what you represent will be enough to find their favor.</p>

<p>An adage you should be aware of: “the thicker the file, the thicker the kid”</p>

<p>Your file is rather thick.</p>

<p>Good luck regardless, sincerely.</p>

<p>All essays were required. </p>

<p>I sent one more rec than required, but I admit I went overboard on the Additional Info…</p>

<p>oh and what does that saying mean?</p>

<p>yikes! haha~ when i see: ‘feel free to attach any additional materials if you feel…wasn’t sufficient’. i go. ugh, screw that~! haha~</p>

<p>i think those ones are for extenuating circumstances…</p>

<p>and i would never do the optional ones if it hadn’t been the college rep winking how much she loves reading optional essays and our counsellors indicating that naything recommended is required.</p>

<p>but hey, chill~ whats done is done. the rest is up to someone else. gluck!</p>