Is this normal? Common?

<p>Is it common for a community college, or even a university to end classes before the semester is over? Like a few days before the semester ends?</p>

<p>Yes. It is very normal for classes to end a few days or a week before the semester is officially over.</p>

<p>Sounds perfectly normal. A typical sequence of events might be: end of classes, reading period, exam period, end of the semester.</p>

<p>does this happen in every college class? Because in the 6 college courses I have taken, I am only finishing one class early, and thats yoga. But the rest of my classes end on the last day of the semester. Because don’t you take your finals on the last class?</p>

<p>I think many colleges have a separate finals week, where longer time slots are reserved for every class (while avoiding scheduling conflicts). This way a 60-minute class can have a 2-hour final exam, for example. A few colleges have a system set up for “self-scheduled exams.” Students can choose when to take their final exam but the exams are still proctored, unlike take-home exams.</p>

<p>Well, the 4 colleges I have taken classes at have had a separate finals weeks, anyway. Classes would only meet to have exams. A course w/o an in-class final exam (e.g. with a final project or a take-home exam) would not meet at all during finals week.</p>

<p>The way mine works is that you have class till Wednesday, reading day on Thursday, then finals start Friday and run till the next Friday (I think.) Some classes stop meeting before Wednesday but most at least have a review then. Can you not check your syllabus or something to see when your exams are for each class? Our exam times have no relation to our class times. A class can meet MWF 11AM and the final could be on Tuesday at 7:45AM.</p>

<p>For me: Finals week begins the week after classes end with Finals running Monday through Friday.</p>

<p>However I do have some friends at another school who have some kind of dead week, or whatever it’s called (too early in the morning), in between their last day of class and Finals in order to study.</p>

<p>Most of my classes have an unofficial “dead week” before finals. For example, the first part of my Spanish final was today, we have project presentations two days next week (where we just have to show up for 5 minutes and give the teacher our presentation) and then two days of “optional review”. A few of my other classes have presentations all next week and you are only required to show up on your presentation date. </p>

<p>It just varies by teacher/class/school, etc.</p>