<p>Is Yale done reviewing our applications yet? Just wondering! I mean for SCEA, of course.</p>
<p>I highly doubt it. But then again, I don’t know anything so…</p>
<p>It seems like they’d need at least a week to get everything ready to send out/post, so I’m guessing they’ll be done soon if they’re not already.</p>
<p>Actually I have no idea, but I’d like to believe that my fate has already been decided so that I don’t get all jittery wondering whether or not Yale is reading my app RIGHT NOW.</p>
<p>I don’t think it (it being sending and posting) would take that long… I’m guessing that they’re in committee until Friday.</p>
<p>I’m sure the big sentient AI supercomputer is done analyzing our applications, DNA profile, surveillance records, etc…</p>
<p>Chillax guys… :)</p>
<p>haha i was doing that the other day in APES. it was fun. i was like, and NOW, they’re probably looking at my SAT scores, and NOW, they’re probably laughing over my essay…</p>
<p>it made it a little hard to concentrate. =/</p>
<p>They’ve probably made a good 80% of their decisions - just down to those tough calls where all of us are qualified but 1 has to go… </p>
<p>I mean, they make most of the rejection decision early - right now, their just sweeping the last few into deferral to get to whatever the number is they accept.</p>
<p>^ eck that thought gives me butterflies in my stomach. :(</p>
<p>question: when are they done reviewing regular decision apps? i know they mail letters by mid april but when are decisions actually finalized?</p>
<p>noo… they send off acceptance letters on 31st of march(US time). i assume internally they make their decisions a bit more than a week before the decision date.</p>