It's Over! And here is something interesting...

<p>Here is a quote from the submission page:</p>

Form 2 - Student Information Form Freshman 2006 </p>

<p>Form 2 - Student Information Form Freshman 2006 was submitted on 12/16/2005 2:59:00 AM E.S.T."</p>


<p>I am so screwed though, the last sentence of my intellectually exciting idea essay got cut off and I did not even notice in the final PDF file. I AM SO SCREWED!</p>

<p>I am calling the adcom office tomorrow and begging on my knees to let me mail them either this essay, or a revised essay that meets their stringent (dam them!) character limits.</p>

<p>Any advice guys??????</p>

<p>Haha you beat me by two minutes...</p>

<p>Form 2 - Student Information Form Freshman 2006
Submission Status: Submitted
Submitted Date: 12/16/2005 2:57:00 AM E.S.T.</p>


<p>I am sure you can fax them your essay. They are human, they will understand!</p>

<p>me too~!</p>

<p>Form 2 - Student Information Form Freshman 2006 was submitted on 12/16/2005 2:59:00 AM E.S.T.</p>

<p>haha life is risky</p>

<p>2:59...nice, I got 2:56</p>

<p>Anyway, did you receive an e-mail confirming that they received part 2? I didn't receive it yet, should I contact them?</p>

<p>yeah fax it to them or call the office</p>

<p>You'd better do it today, because vacation starts at 5pm and lasts for 2 weeks.</p>

<p>'re competing over who's the bigger procrastinator?</p>


<p>Form 1 - Basic Information Form Freshman 2006 </p>

<p>Submission Status: Submitted
Submitted Date: 11/24/2005 1:47:00 PM E.S.T. </p>

<p>Form 2 - Student Information Form Freshman 2006 </p>

<p>Submission Status: Submitted
Submitted Date: 12/16/2005 3:00:00 AM E.S.T.</p>

<p>Not to intentionally worry you guys, but I called the admissions office and they said it needed to be submitted by 2:45 AM E.S.T. I got mine in around 1:30 AM though.</p>



<p>Hmm... that seems odd, I applied SCEA and the deadline was 1st Nov. I submitted my Form 2 at 11:27:00 P.M. EST on 11/1/05 and they got the application.</p>