It's too quiet

<p>All is a little too quiet on the CC boards as of late about finals and move-out process this year. What gives?! Finals started this morning + just got UA notice of severe weather warning for this afternoon and into next 48 hours… I hope all finals go as planned (no re-schedules) and we have no rain for move-out. Fingers crossed & travel safe, everyone.</p>

<p>I’ve noticed the same thing. Threads are often posted with no reply or when a reply is offered, the OP often seems to have left the building. For whatever reason, this forum does seem noticeably less active lately for whether its about move out, move in, or ??? Perhaps some of the chatter has moved to FB?</p>

<p>I’m keeping an eye on the weather. Best of luck to all on finals. Safe travels to all and good luck with the move out process. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Much of the discussion has moved over to the Facebook page. :)</p>

<p>Which FB page(s) specifically? It would be a shame to see the AL CC pages wither for new families especially. There is a wealth of info here, and I’m not saying that you can’t duplicate this on FB, but unless you know exactly which FB page to look for, it is difficult for incoming families browsing the university pages to get the info they might need. I like the fact that CC is moderated and the absolute rubbish and foul language is non-existent here. I also like the anonymity of CC :wink: </p>

<p>I messaged you the FB group, it’s a closed group and they’re doing a good job of moderating it and restricting it to parents of UA students. There have also been parents that managed to find the FB group, that have probably never heard of CC. I think they both have their place, but it’s hard and time consuming to keep up with both… I am supposed to have a job! :)</p>

<p>The FB page is wonderful and extremely helpful; however, CC is great because of the search capabilities!</p>

<p>I think many frequent CC less because of the mobile app going away. I know that’s the case for me. </p>

<p>I debated about whether to ask my earlier room selection question on FB or here. Decided there may be more people wondering the same thing on this site who didn’t have access to the FB page, so I tried here first. I, too, hate to see this site neglected. It was the main driver in us finding UA in the first place and it has provided a wealth of information. Thank you veteran parents!!</p>

<p>Neglected? Activity may be down a bit lately, but it’s still the most active non-Ivy thread of any school on CC.</p>

<p>Class2012Mom - What did the mobile app do exactly and why did CC do away with it if you know? I have an android smart phone and I do not use apps to access (and post to) CC. (Smart is in cynical font…btw…) I look at CC from my phone several times a day. </p>

<p><a href=“CC Mobile App for iPhone & Android: FAQ and Q&A - #91 by jencee - College Confidential Community - College Confidential Forums”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hi! I am trying to figure out when to help my D move out of the dorms. The weather is bad on my way to T-town from central FL. She is done Wed. morning. I was going to travel on Tuesday. Now it looks like Thursday might be better. </p>

<p>If anyone knows of a great weather website for helping me decide, I would be grateful. :)</p>

<p>Can someone send me the information about the FB page? Thanks. </p>

<p>Try this website, Cuttlefish. There’s an app for James Spann on this link:</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Also get Alabama Saf-T-Net. Now is a good time to remind your student to keep the cell phone and ipad or tablet charged so they can watch live streaming weather from James Spann if the power goes out.</p>

<p>Some exams have been rescheduled.</p>

<p>FB page info to me, too, please. Thank you!</p>

<p>Okay for weather, you Must follow James Spann, we are following him now. The weather’s not bad yet, we have had some heavy rain and some sprinkles over the last few days here at UA. The university has cancelled all evening activities and some exams. Make up tests are on Friday at</p>

<p>This talk about rescheduled exams gave my heart a beat, since I’m leaving tomorrow and only have hotel res until Thursday!..I just saw UA email about exam make up…whew…it is only (at this stage) any exam for 7 pm Monday night, rescheduled for 3.30 pm Friday.</p>

<p>Thank you Bamagirls for the weather info. </p>

<p>Everyone stay safe!</p>

<p>There is also a Fb page for parents of UA class of UA class of 2018. </p>

<p>James Spann reporting tornado on the ground in Tuscaloosa near 82 (McFarland Boulevard) and 359 (Lowes area). Crossing I59 and I20. Debris field confirmed. Now reporting near Cottondale…around Tuscaloosa Toyota/Woodland Hills area East of McFarland Boulevard in the area of Buttermilk Road. Confirmed by Sheriff’s department to be moving NE toward Brookwood</p>